Jennie x Namjoon | Love

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Putting on my headphones, jumping into bed, and reading a book. My favorite hobbies.

Who doesn't love reading romantic books that you wish you were in?

I mean heck the last time I made out with someone was on seventh grade. It was a dare.

"Jennie!" My mom calls out.

"Yes eomma?" I respond.

"Me and your father are going out for dinner, and I've invited your friend Namjoon over to take care of you. Is that okay?" She asks. in my crush Namjoon!!?

"Yeah, sure mom. Just don't come home too late." I call back out to her.

I open my book back up, reading the pages once more.

I wish to find love soon, with someone who cherishes me and loves me.

But that's nonsense. You only ever find that love in a book. Full of fantasy.

A few moments after my parents leave, I hear the knock from the front door.

I quickly rush downstairs to open the door, revealing Namjoon, who was, apparently, carrying a plastic bag full of fried chicken.

"Hope you like CKF," he says smiling.

"Um, can I come in?"

"Oh y-yeah sure make yourself at home." I stutter.

I walk into the living room only to realize it's a huge mess.

"H-Hold on one second!" I quickly whip around only to accidentally fall onto Namjoon making both of us fall to the floor.

I don't know how we got in that position, but it seemed as if I was straddling him.

Namjoon smirks, as he strokes my hair.

"This is comfortable," he says. "I don't think I want to ever get up."

I blush furiously as I try to wriggle from his arms. He grabs hold of me in seconds and forces me to look into his eyes.

"Why are you hiding from me, Jennie?"

"I-I'm not,"

"Then why do you keep looking away?"

"I-I just don't feel very comfortable in this position."

His grins as he flips us over, my back hitting the mattress.

"Is this better?" He asks, lips trailing down my neck. Not close enough to touch me, but close enough so I could feel his hot breath.

"F-Fine," I manage.

He chuckles, and I could feel something hard grow under me.

"Can you feel it? How hard you're making me? Think you could help me out?" He laughs.


His eyes widen.


"I could help you out, since you know, I cause it."

His eyes come in contact with mine, and all my confidence falters away.


I nod.

He stands up helping me too and backs me up into the wall.

"Are you sure about this?" He teases lips inches away from mine.


And he kisses me.

Fireworks. It was like fireworks had exploded inside of me.

At first I didn't know what to do. I had never kissed anyone before. But my body starts reacting, and I melt into the kiss. It felt...amazing.

He lifts me up and pushes himself into me, and I moan out.

I knew exactly what that hard bulge was, thanks to my books.

"I can't wait to be pounding inside of you. I beg you would feel as right as a virgin."

And I freeze. He notices.

"Wait, you're a virgin?!" He says eyes wide.

"Yeah, this is pretty new to me."

He smiles softly.

"Can I be your first?" He asks gently caressing my fave with his thumb.

I feel amazed at his sudden kindness, and I nod.


His lips were on mine again.

He undresses me quickly, making sure I feel the most pleasure I've ever felt. His lips on my neck, hand lifting up my thigh.

It doesn't take long before he's undressed too, his rock hard blushes ready to plunge inside me.

"W-Wait," I stop him. "Go slow, please."

"Of course, baby."

I can't help but blush at the sweet nickname.

He enters me slowly, as I had wished. His hands still lifting up my thighs so that he could get a better view.

He pushes into me more and it takes me everything to stop from crying out.

Tears fill my eyes as I'm overwhelmed by the painful feeling.

His length pushes into me fully and I can't help but let the tears flow out my eyes.

He's quick to wipe them away, leaning close to my ear and murmuring sweet things to me.

"M-Move," I tell him. "Please move."

He thrusts his hips slowly, and the pain is replaced with pleasure.

His hips start moving faster as he hears the endless moans coming from the back of my throat.

And he even releases some of his own.

Our bodies filled with sweat, as the skin slapping fills every inch of the walls.

A tight knot tightens in my stomach, and I feel this weird feeling.

"Namjoon," I pant. "Somethings coming."

"Let it come, let it come for me." He breathes.

I moan out loud as the fireworks explode in my stomach once again, and a intense pleasure takes over making my eyes roll to the back of my head.

I can feel Namjoon still thrusting inside me, as a weird liquid fills me up.

"You're amazing, baby. Your more than I could ever want."

"Me too. I can't believe I just had sex with my crush."

The words slip out my mouth, as I bite my lips trying to look away.

"What did you say?" He asks.

"I'm your crush?"


He lifts me up into the air with his strong hands, and kisses me.

"You're my crush too, Jennie. I think, I love you."

I smile, knowing that I had found the man in the book. The man of my dreams.

"I love you too."

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