Jisoo x Namjoon | Abusive

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A/N: If you can't tolerate violence or abusive things, please don't read this chapter.

Jisoo stepped into the house, her heart full of fear. There was shattered glass from beer bottles on the floor, the house reeked of alcohol, and finally... her father.

"You're late." He stated, taking a chug from the bottle he was holding. Jisoo didn't dare step any closer, she stood in place, waiting for more to come. "Where did you go, hm? You know when you're supposed to come back, what took you so long, darling?"

"I'm sorry, there was too much traffic on the road, our bus didn't catch up in time--"

"THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAVE AHEAD OF TIME. YOU KNOW YOU'RE LATE!" He slammed the bottle onto the floor, even more glass adding to the ones on the floor in the first place. Jisoo wanted to scream, or run, or cry for help, but she knew if she did it would only make matters worse.

"Come here darling," her father's voice became soft again, but Jisoo knew what was going to come. She stepped closer to her father, barely holding in her tears. "This is all for your own good, my dear."

And the beating started. And it didn't stop.


Jisoo wrapped a scarf around her neck, wrapped a coat around her, hiding the bruises the best way she can. It had always been this way. Her father didn't beat her face or it would be too obvious.

She stepped out of the house quietly, the fear of waking her father grew. She closed the front door of the house and ran away. As she did every morning, not wanting to be beaten by her father again.

The bus arrived in time and she stepped on. There was only one seat available, it was next to a man sitting down. She went and sat, not wanting to stand since she was still dizzy from the harsh beating.

The man saw her coming his way and sat up straight, making himself presentable and giving her space.

She sat down, leaning her head on the chair and closing her eyes. She didn't know she dozed off.

"Excuse me?" A voice called out making her slowly open her eyes. Her head was laying on something soft... no, someone soft. Her eyes flew open, her head was rested on the man's shoulder. "Excuse me? Could you... um... can you..." Jisoo removed her head from that spot.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know I dozed off."

"Don't worry about it, you seemed pretty tired, I thought I should let you sleep on my shoulder, but this is my stop." He smiled, two beautiful dimples appearing on his face.

"Oh, thanks, and sorry." Jisoo shyly blushed, how embarrassing.

The man rose from his seat and so did Jisoo.

"Actually, this is my stop too. My college is over there." Jisoo smiled, gesturing at the only college around this city.

"You go to Seoul University?" The man raised his eyebrows. Jisoo nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"I go there too." He chuckled. "I just moved into an apartment near the bus stop back there. I'm Namjoon, by the way."

"I'm Jisoo, I live in that apartment back there too... with... with my father." Her smile slowly disappeared from her face, Namjoon wondered why.

"Well we should get off." He nervously rubbed the back of his nape, seeing as the bus doors were about to close.

"Oh yeah, sorry." They rose in sync and got off the bus together. The two walked awkwardly next to each other, both not knowing what else they could talk about.

"So, have you heard of that ice cream shop nearby? It's like, super famous, everyone goes there in their free time." Namjoon started the conversation.

"Oh, I don't really have free time..." Jisoo muttered quietly.

"Oh, that's cool, I don't really have free time either." He laughed the awkward topic off. They walked together in silence for another two minutes before he started talking again.

He really loves talking.

"So how's your mid-term exams going? I'm practically failing at this point, haha."

"I study by myself at home, my father... restricts me. Um about that ice cream shop, seems really nice."

Namjoon noticed how Jisoo would get suddenly nervous when she spoke of her father. She'd speak of him then look somewhere else or try to change the topic.

"Yeah, we should go try it after school. What time does your class end?"

"For today, it's around three."

Namjoon nodded.

"My class ends at two thirty, I can wait for you."

"You don't have to, I don't think I can go, my dad--"

"Yo, Namjoon!" Someone called in front of them. There were many student already at the campus, Jisoo and Namjoon had gotten there already.

Two men approached Namjoon, slapping him on the back and hugging him. Jisoo stood next to them awkwardly.

"Hey guys, this is Jisoo. Jisoo, Yoongi and Jimin." Yoongi had silver hair, probably dyed. Jimin had dirty blonde hair, probably dyed too, Namjoon was the one with light brown hair, it was very natural.

Jisoo bowed politely and Jimin and Yoongi turned to each other then started laughing.

"Why are you so polite, relax, we don't do bowing here." Jimin smiled, as did Yoongi.

How nice, how nice it would be if I had friends too.

"So where are your friends?" Namjoon asked, he looked around but no one was walking Jisoo's way.

"I don't really, have time for the friends... thing." Jisoo looked down, she was embarrassed and shameful.

"Neither does Namjoon, he thinks we're friends but we all hate his guts." Yoongi playfully chimed. Namjoon gave a light punch to his arm.

"Stop embarrassing me, dickhead."

Jisoo smiled as she watched the three of them play around, she wanted it too.

"Oh, I should get to class." Jisoo checked her watch, she bowed to the three of them and walked away. Namjoon watched her as she walked over to the entrance. Suddenly, the wind blew her scarf off. He thought he imagined it, but he saw bruises, many of them. Jisoo quickly retrieved her scarf and desperately wrapped it back around her neck.

What the hell?



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