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Nash's P.O.V.

All I saw was my best friend Alecia Script fall to the ground and go blank. I picked her up bridal style not knowing what to do. I was sweating more than I was before because of my run. Thank God I did go for a run. I didn't know to bring her home or to the hospital, I didn't know which was closer. I decided to bring her somewhere I knew was close who could get her somewhere much faster. She looked like she came from dance. So I ran there. I saw Ms. Kelly and she took us in her car. I called Alecia's mom on the way.

Ms. Kelly left me there alone because she was busy and they wouldn't let me with Alecia so I waited for her mom and cried while waiting. She finally arrived when they let us in. The doctor spoke.

"She only has lost oxygen from lack of hydration and rest."

I let out a sigh for that's all there was. he gave is the prescription and within an hour of nonstop examination we were free to leave. I hugged her tight as soon as she stood up, being gentle with her for she just fainted.

Alecia's P.O.V.

I was so scared I was a goner. Feeling Nash's embrace made me feel warm. We don't like each other like that. We love each other in a non fighting sibling way. He just ... ugh. He's the only reason I haven't gone insane like smoking or doing worse things. If I lost him I'd lose my will to live. There was a two and a half year difference of age but it felt like less.

(Nash is 16 Alecia is 18 and a half)

I really am gonna miss him when I go off to college. O my god I'm going in a week! What am I gonna do?!?! I'll never be able to him. oh I'll just shop and pack then tell him later.

Nash's P.O.V.

I walked to Alecia's house right next door. I have big news she's gonna love. I stopped and thought before I knocked. (I thought of Olaf writing this sentence) Alecia opened the door

"Hey." I said.

"¡Hola!" she replied back. That was her thing.

"So u know I'm in magcon right?" I asked.

"Yeah I had to watch a vid with my dance buds to find out. That's actually why I was sprinting when I fainted, to ask you."

I felt like crud. She fainted just to ask me a question.

"Well anyway," I began. trying to forget that. " I have a question. Will you..."

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Read next chapter to find out his question. 😏

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