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(I'm changing Nash, Alecia, and Clara's age to be 17 Alecia before got early acceptance to a musical theatre college)

Alecia's P.O.V.

I'm really excited to see the boys. A few of them I have met. Me AND Nash haven't seen Hayes in two years. Nash has been living with Cam nearby. We were friends a long time ago then when I moved. Not so long ago he did too.

We never really were apart. I knew Matt because he came to visit sometimes. Nash and Cam tried to get me and Matt together. We didn't like each other that way. Now taylor I remember. I was told he liked me, and when he was told I didn't like him back, he started being a jerk. Then Nash, Cam, and Matt told him off. Then who could forget... HAYES! he's so little kid adorable. then I heard he got grown up haircut... he's not little anymore😢.

Then the rest of the boys I heard about, Nash tried to teach me and Clara about them and show us pictures so I could know who is who. And Mahogany! I've met her once when she was shy. I hear she's kinda a party girl now.

Clara's P.O.V.

After we got off the plane we took a cab to where the boys were staying. I'm so excited I almost peed! Three times! To think that I'm doing my favorite thing with my favorite people... it's a dream! We got there there and who other than... Matt, greeted us! I was looking around to see if I could find my favorite Magcon boy not listening to Alecia and the other boys greeting and talking to them. I interrupted their conversations still looking around.

"Where's taylor?" I asked.

"In the shower..." Carter replied.

"Hey don't try anything." Aaron said laughing. He's a jerk!

Taylor came out of the shower with only a towel.

"Oh crud... I didn't know the new girls were here yet." he sprinted to his room looking thoroughly embarrassed.

"He's so cute when his face turns red." Oh god, I said that aloud! Everyone else was laughing at me. He was blushing walking down the stairs. I wonder why. I soon realized I was, too. I hope he's not blushing for me I wouldn't be able to handle it. but if he liked Alecia... I'd be way to jealous.  I hope he's just blushing from being embarrassed. that's probably it. He held his hand out for me... I was blushing again. I shook his hand loving his gentle, warming feel.

"You can obviously tell I'm Taylor," he began, "now are you Alecia or Clara? no wait let me guess... Clara? I was to nervous to move. Alecia stepped in for me. Thank god for Alecia.

"That's Clara and I'm Alecia. She's  very excited to be here as am I, her nervousness is just taking over" she stated while shaking his hand.

"I see." he answered. He grabbed my hand, kissed the back of it, the walked back upstairs. My eyes were wildly open and wide, then I stumbled back and Alecia caught me. I was too starstruck to hear the laughs and giggles.


The End, of chapter 4!

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