No Matter What

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*trigger warning* mentions and slightly describes rape. If you are sensitive to topics like this, please, please do not read. Also, I read a one shot after I wrote this that was similar, any similarities is coincidental -Nico


 I scream in pain and shut my eyes wishing this could be over. I tried to get away but he was too strong. I should have never trusted this man. He's my manager, I just trusted him blindly. I should've known there was no photoshoot today. I whimpered and said,"Please stop... why are you doing this to me... please stop." He then barked "Shut up." I cried more and put my hands over my face. It will be over soon. I kept thinking of Chanyeol to keep myself grounded. I need my Yeollie. I cried even harder than before.

After it was over he opened the car door. Outside was the dorm. I bolted out of the car crying. I ran up the stairs and banged on the dorm room door, not wanting to dig my key, just wanting the comfort of my friends. After about thirty seconds of me banging as hard as I could, Suho opened it. I immediately fell into his arms. He wrapped his arm around me and asked, "Baek, what's wrong? It's ten at night where have you been?" I cried harder and he rubbed my back, "M-my manager h-he," I couldn't continue, I sobbed hard, but tried to calm down some. Once I did, I whispered out, "he raped me." Suho's breath hitched, and I heard voices behind us. The one that stuck out was Sehun's, "He r-raped you?" Concern was clear in his voice along with anger. I cried harder and he walked over to Suho and I. He wrapped his arms around both of us.

After a couple seconds of the group hug I pushed out of it and whispered, "Where's Chan?" Kyungsoo stepped forward and said, "He's out of town on business Baek." I started breathing heavily. He's no here. "I need him. Please." I whispered out and started hyperventilating, "He's going to come back... my manager... he's going to do it again." I wasn't making much sense to even myself, as I said that. I stumbled back, and sat down on the floor. I pushed myself back up to the wall and cried hard and cried out in pain, "It hurts." Suho slowly made his way to me along with Sehun and Kyungsoo. Suho got down on his knees, and said, "I'm going to lift up your shirt okay?" I nodded and slowly grabbed my shirt. He lifted it up and gasped dropping it immediately. Sehun picked it up and looked at the bruising. "There's blood, hyung. Where's the blood from?" I shook my head to indicate that I didn't know. "I'm going to call Chanyeol. Kyung, you call the company and report this." Jongin said as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket.

Jongin's pov

I hesitated before clicking Chanyeol's contact, Hello? His deep voice answered. "Uh hey Chan, um I have some new..." What's wrong Kai? I can tell in your voice that something is wrong. I sighed, "I don't really know how to say this but, Baek... Baekhyun's manager, did something to him. He wants you home, when we told him you weren't home he started freaking out. You need to come home right now." Jongin you're confusing me.. What did his manager do? I gulped hard and said, "He raped him Chan..." I heard his phone drop and hit the ground. I heard him scramble to pick it up, When did this happen? "He just came in the door a few minutes ago, so I'm guessing an hour or two ago." I'm coming home, was the last thing he said before hanging up. I sighed and put my phone up.

Chanyeol's pov

"I'm coming home." I hung up on Jongin. I packed my bags in my hotel room. I luckily was only an hour away from Seoul. As I was packing I called the people I was supposed to be meeting with, that I had to cancel. When they asked why I said an emergency came up and I had to go back Seoul. I threw all my shit into a bag, put on my shoes, threw my coat on, and rand down the stairs to main desk. I checked out and ran out of the hotel. I quickly go inside of my car started it, backed up quickly, and sped off down the street.

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