Anniversary pt.2/ announcment kinda

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Here's the second part I told you all about. Heh, so this is going to be taking place eighth months after they got engaged, so like Chanyeols birthday...? Yeah let's go with that.

I'm also going to write a bit of Kaisoo, because I love them, also stay tuned for an announcement in the authors note at the end


I sighed as Kyungsoo pulled out another wedding magazine,

"Are we seriously going to look though another one?"

Kyungsoo glared at me,

"Yes. We are, hyung. But we're only looking at the cake, like the others."

I brought my legs up onto the couch, and sighed,

"But do we have to do it now~"

"Yes we do hyung. You're getting married next month and you still haven't picked a freaking cake. And as your best man, it's my job to get you to pick one out."

I rolled my eyes,

"But shouldn't we be helping them set up Yeol's surprise party?"

He shook his head,

"I sent Nini in our place..."

He paused

"...he's probably trying to eat the cake... or the chicken. Or both. Okay fine. But were coming back and figuring this out when we're done."

I nodded, and we got off the couch. We walked into the kitchen just in time to catch Jongin trying to steal food.

"Nini! Put the chicken down or else!"

Kyungsoo yelled when we saw him.

Jongin's eyes widened, but then he said,

"Or else what?"

Kyungsoo walked up and whispered something in his ear. Jongin immediately dropped the chicken he had in his hand.

Kyungsoo smirked ask he walked back to me. I raised an eyebrow,

"What did you say to him?"

He mutter under his breath,

"I said no sex tonight if he ate that chicken."

I started laughing and so did Kyungsoo.

I looked around at the decorations. They had done everything I asked of them. They had put white and blue streamers on the counters of the kitchen, and on the ceiling. There was a sign that said 'Happy 27th Birthday Yoda' on it. There was food on the table with his cake in the middle with seven blue candles on it. It all turned out great. Everything was going according to plan.

A few minutes later I got a text from Sehun.

"Oh fuck, guys! They're parking now. Luhan's flight got in a few minutes early. Minseok-hyung, Jongdae! Get stop making out and get your asses out here. Yixing, hit the lights! EVERYONE FUCKING HIDE!"

The lights turned off, and everyone hid.

Minutes passed, and then the door opened. The light turned on and we all jumped up and screamed,


Chanyeol dropped his keys on the floor, and I walked up to him,

"Happy birthday, love!"

He wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him,

"What is all of this baby?"

I shrugged and stood on my toes, so I was able to wrap my arms around his neck,

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