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So in this one shot, Luhan's going to be in it, so if you don't like him, you don't have to read this one. I didn't need to put this before, but I did. Because I know some people don't like him.

Also there is a part in this story, that I recommend you listen to Sing For You, it'll just make it easier to imagine. That's also why I put the music video there


Chanyeols p.o.v

I walked into the kitchen with a big smile on my face. It's two in the morning, but I had to plan something very important.

I jumped when I saw Sehun eating cereal at the counter,

"Sehun? What are you doing up so late?"

He looked at me, and said,

"Planning world domination. What does it look like? What are you doing up?"

I smirked and said,

"Oh nothing, just planning something."

He took a bite of his cereal, and with a full mouth asked,

"What is this your planning Chanyeol-hyung? Is it for Baekhyun?"

I nodded and he swallowed his food,

"Tell me what it is."

I shook my head, I knew I was going to end up telling him, but I wasn't going to let him know that.

He pouted,

"Please hyung! I promise I won't tell him. Tell me, tell meeee!"

I laughed and put my hands on the counter,

"Okay, I'll tell you. But you can't tell Baekhyun."

He smiled wide and clapped. I rolled my eyes,

"Okay, so basically, you know how our anniversary is April 28th?"

Sehun nodded, and I continued,

"Well that is tomorrow... we'll today I guess, and it's our fourth anniversary. I'm planning on taking him out to eat during our lunch break from practice. And I'm going have you and the other guys be playing a playlist I made for this occasion.

"You guys, while we're gone, are going going to set up something, that's what I'm planning right now. I don't know what I'm going to have you guys set up. But it has to be romantic..."

Sehun put a finger up to my lips to get me to shut up, and he said,

"Hyung, you still haven't told me what your doing yet. And do the others know already?"

I nodded, and he huffed,

"Why am I the last one to know?"

I shrugged,

"You were in the room when I told them. I guess you just weren't listening. And anyway, I'm proposing to Baekhyun."

He gasped,


I nodded and he jumped up. He ran over to me, and hugged me tightly,

"Wow! I didn't know you had the balls to do it, hyung. I'm proud."

I rolled my eyes, then asked,

"Want to help me with the big romantic thing?"

He nodded enthusiastically, but then raised his hand. He ran out of the room. He came back with a face I wasn't expecting to see,

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