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A/N: the song has nothing to do with this chapter, I just really like it. Day6 is one of my favorite bands, and I just love the song lol
I rolled over and looked at my clock. 3:34 am. I groaned. I kicked my blankets off of me and sat up. I reached over and grabbed my phone, looking at any messages I may have.

Last thing I remember before falling asleep was that it was 6:15 pm. I remember I fell asleep after coming back from my doctors appointment. I apparently had strep throat. Which is bad for me since we had a really big concert coming up.

I stood up and decided to go to the kitchen.

When I had started walking, I heard something wine. I turned on my flashlight on my phone, and turned to the bed. It was Chanyeol's dog, Toben.

I walked to the bed and pet his head,

"Toben? What are you doing in here?"

I cringed at my own voice. I sound like I'm dying.

The little dog barked and I smiled, shaking my head.

Chanyeol must be back.

I called for Toben to follow me and walked to the door that lead out of my room. I took him to the back door of our dorm and let him out into the fenced backyard (A/N I don't know if they have one, but I'm just putting this in here)

I walked to the fridge in the kitchen, and open the fridge. I then heard someone slurp something, and turned around...

It was Yixing...

I raised my eyebrow and said,

"Hyung... when did you get back?"

He put his finger in front of his lips and pulled out his phone. A few seconds later, my phone made a ping sound. Yixing had texted me. I rolled my eyes at him, but read the text anyway

Okay, first of all, you sound like death. Second, I got back like ten minutes ago. I'm about to go surprise Junmyeon so keep your voice down. Third of all you need to get over here and hug me because I missed you and the guys.

I nodded and texted him back

I'm aware I sound like shit. I have strep. And I will in a minute, if you're willing to let a sick person hug you, but tell me first, do you know where Yeol is?

Yixing nodded and pointed down the hall, he then typed

He's in the shower, and I don't mind that your sick Baek 😂

I smiled and walked over to him. I hugged him and he hugged me tightly for a few seconds, then let me go, and whispered,

"Go to him, I know you want to see him. I'm going to Junmyeon's room anyway."
I entered the room with the showers, and knocked on the one that was occupied,


God I need to stop speaking.

The shower curtain was pushed back slightly and the giant poked his head out,

"Yes babe?"

I smiled and shook my head,

"Just wanted to see if you were back yet."

He nodded and frowned slightly,

"You sound worse than you did when I left."

I shrugged and folded my arm, rubbing them quickly,

"I don't know why, I'm also cold... I think I'm going to go back to the room."

I started coughing and I turned away from him.

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