The School Trip pt. 1

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Hey there demons, it's me, ya boi 😂 sorry for my lame ass reference, but anyway: here I go again with mini series. And look, I know I said I would publish a one shot in my new one shot book soon, but I'm having some writers block on the Kaisoo stuff. Sorry about that.

But here's a little key for the texting:
Bold: the name of the chat/people in the chat/people Baekhyun is texting
Italicized: Baekhyun texting
Underlined: other people

-Nicole (yes I didn't say Nico this time. If you don't like it, fight me)

The bell rang for sixth period to be over. Finally it was time for last hours class, drama. My favorite class with all my friends. The class was also thought my favorite teacher. Johnny Seo.

I entered the auditorium and threw my bag into one of the seats,

"Johnny! I'm here!"

Johnny walked out from behind the curtain on the stage,

"Oh, hey Baek. You're the first one."

I smiled at him.

Now you may be wondering why we just call him Johnny, instead of Mr. Seo. Well we call him that because he's literally 19, while we're all 17. Except for Jongin and Sehun who are still 16. He graduated last year and the school gave him a job as the theatrics directed. He was also one of our best friends and still is.

Now that that's out of the way, let's move on.

I sat down in a seat and waited for everyone else to show up. I pulled out my phone, and texted my friends in our fantastically stupid group chat.

Pit of Dispare + Memes:

Where the hell are you idiots?

Satan: Where almost there, and who are you calling an idiot?

You, hurry the fuck up. Johnny is telling us the play

SEFK: we're hurrying hyung.

Seen by: Yoda, SEFK, Satan, Boazi, Literal Troll, High Sheep, Mama SuHOE, and The Fetus Child

I looked up just in time to see one of then walk in. It was Sehun. He sat down behind me,

"What's up hyung?"

I looked back at him and smiled,

"Waiting for you losers, what's up with you fetus?"

He glared at me, but smiled anyway,

"I was racing the giant, but he fell. He'll be here in a minute."

As if on cue, Chanyeol walked into the room. He was rubbing his head,

"Sehun, I'm going to kill you one day."

Sehun giggled, and laid down across the seats in the row.

Chanyeol sat down next to me, and ruffled my hair,

"What's up shortie?"

I glared at him, and went to say something, but I got a text. I looked at it, and it was from Jongin,

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