A Wedding (v long)

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Here's the wedding finally. I'm going to write the wedding based off the first proposal one I wrote. The one call Anniversary. So it's and exo wedding lol, anyway, sit back, relax, and enjoy this overly cheesy wedding! Also Jackson Wang shall be in this story cause why not. But you won't know where he'll be until he's there. Make your predictions in the comment here what he will be if you want lol, and if you were right, you get a gold star.



Sehun's p.o.v

I woke up to my screaming alarm. Once I opened my eyes, I realized it wasn't an alarm. It's was Jongdae-hyung yelling from downstairs in the dorm. I checked the clock and it was FOUR IN THE FREAKING MORNING!

I trudged out if bed and walked to the ledges of the stair and yelled,



With that I went back to bed. I fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up once again at 10. The time I was supposed to wake up. As Chanyeol's best man, it was my job to wake him up. He was sleeping next to me, since him and baek were separated for the night,


He groaned,


He didn't reply this time,


He jumped awake,

"I'm up!"

"Good. Time to get rollin. We have to go to the venue and get you ready for your wedding."

The date of their wedding had to change again due to scheduling. They had to push it back a week. It's December 20th. Which is dangerously close to Christmas if you ask me. But it's the only day they could pick that they were okay with.

Chanyeol slowly got out of bed and threw on some random clothes,

"Okay lets go."

We walked out of the dorm and to his car. I was making him drive to the venue because I didn't want too. Yes, I am aware. I am a 25 year old baby, and Chanyeol reminds me of that daily.

"So... when do I get to see Baekhyun?"

I rolled my eyes at my hyungs words,

"You can see him when you guys do the first seeing or whatever it's called."

He groaned,

"Its been too longgg"

"Hyungie it's only been 15 hours."

He nodded,

"Okay... I'll wait another two hours I guess."

I laughed and looked at my phone.


We soon arrived at the venue and walked to the door that said "PCY/OSH" and walked in. His suit was hanging up next to the vanity and there were hair and makeup people already there.

He sat down in the chair and the people got to work. They styled his messy hair, and covered any blemishes he had with makeup.

They were soon finished and forced me into the chair next. The fixed me up and I was ready to go.

Chanyeol's p.o.v

After Sehun was done getting his self fixed, the hair and makeup people left. I was then shoved by my best man into the bathroom to change into my suit. I didn't see the point since we still had an hour.

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