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This is going to be if they were young teachers. At the school I go to, my teachers are pretty you, well some one them. So they're going to be the ages they are now lmao oh and The NCT members that are going to be teacher are going to be Sehun's age.

My alarm went off at 6:00 am. I rolled over. It's the first day back to school after summer break. I was a councilor at this school. It was my fourth year teaching here.

I had rolled out of bed and went to get dressed. I had to leave early today since I had forgotten to print out these things that I was giving the students today in a assembly, yesterday.

Once I was finished getting ready, I left a note for my husband on the bedside table. I place a kiss on his head then walked out of the room.

I yawned and tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I had made it down stairs and to the kitchen when my phone had rang.

I looked at the ID and it was my best friend, and fellow teacher, Kyungsoo. He was the English teacher at the school and one of the youngest teachers there. I answered it and his voice came through the other line,

"Hey Baek, can you come pick me up? I know your going in early today and I forgot to do something last night."

"Yeah I'll be there in a minute!"

I quickly left after hanging up and drove to the Oh residence. Once I pulled up, Kyungsoo ran out of the front door, but quickly kissed a very sleepy Sehun before he had done so.

He jumped into the passenger seat and smiled at me tiredly,

"Hey Baekhyun. Thank you so much for driving me. I appreciate it. Sehun didn't want to leave earlier than he had too so... yeah."

We pulled up tot he high school and got out of the car. Both of our husbands taught at the school with us, so we would see them later. Sehun, or Mr. Wow as the kids liked to call him, was the youngest teacher at the school. He is not even 25 yet, but is the best computer teacher, according to the kids. The kids called him Mr. Wow to make fun of his last name being Oh, but some of them just call him Sehun.

My husband was the music teacher. All the kids loved him. He never really forced them to do anything they didn't want to do, but he let them sing, or play whatever instrument they wanted. He sometimes let them just go to another class room if they had homework.

He was probably everyone's favorite teacher. No one called him Mr. Park. That's what everyone called me. Except for a few who still call me Mr. Byun or Baekhyun. The freshmen and sophomores don't know me as either of those two things.

I groaned as we walked into the school. My friend looked at me and laughed,

"First Day Regret?"

I nodded,

"I don't want to have to give a lame speech to the freshman's. AAHH! I hate it!"

He rolled his eyes and smiled,

"Don't forget about the part where you have to address the relationships between the teachers!"

I glared daggers at him,

"Don't remind me."

We laughed together and walked down the halls of the school.

It was almost 6:30 and I knew one kid in particular would be here soon. I had asked him to help me today. He's the smartest kid in the school. Kim Namjoon. He has been my little helper since he was a freshman. It's his junior year this year. He had come yesterday to help me too, but then we got distracted with a mini counseling session for him.

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