Don't listen to them

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This was request... well kinda. It was a suggestion. So enjoy. And thank you to the person who gave me the idea. You know who you are.
Baekhyun's pov

As soon as we step out of the car, there are the flashing lights of cameras. Of course. There always is. But today is different. A big change is happening today.

Our managers are holding press conference today with Naver for Chanyeol and I to reveal our relationship.

We didn't want to just yet. We were worried about hate. But since it's 2019, they think it won't matter.

Of course the fans had caught on. I mean I did have a ducking hickey on my neck on two separate occasions, while the same day Chanyeol had what looked like a bite mark on is lip. That's what it was actually. The fans aren't as gullible as our managers would like to think.

We entered the room where the conference would be held we sat down. Our managers near by. They would be doing the talking. It all happened so fast, I barely remembered it:

"There has been rumors going around that Chanyeol and Baekhyun are in a relationship. Is this true?"

As the question was asked, Chanyeol and I glanced at each other. I gulped, nervous. That's when Chanyeol grabbed my hand under the table and intertwined our fingers. He squeezed my hand reassuringly just as my manger began speaking,

"Yes it is true that EXO's Baekhyun And Chanyeol are in a relationship. They have been since February 26th, 2013. They were afraid of saying anything all these years for fear of judgment. So please, be kind to them and..."

My manger rambled on longer than he needed too, and I zoned out.

'It's out. Everyone knows'

I thought to myself as we sat there. Waiting for this to bed over. Chanyeol leaned over and whispered in my ear,

"I don't see why we had to come. This is only lasting a few minutes."

I smiled slightly knowing I wasn't the only one who was thinking this. I then whispered back,

"Yeah, and our sixth anniversary is in two weeks. Now no one is going to leave us alone that day."

Chanyeols small smile faded. He leaned over once more and spoke softly,

"We'll get away that weekend. We'll go somewhere else. Where no one can bother us. Okay?"

I nodded, and with that. The press conference was over. We quickly stood up and walked out of the room. Our security guards had been waiting outside the door to escort us back to the car before reporters could question us.

We got into the car we came in and Chanyeol slammed the door shut.

"I wish they could mind their own damn business. I'm sorry, sweetie."

I shook my head,

"No, don't apologize. It's okay Channie."

He nodded,

"Want to go to our apartment instead of the dorm?"

I nodded enthusiastically,

"Yes. Please. Remember Lay came back two days ago and it's his and Suho's date night."

(a/n: back at it again with the Yixing home comings *dabs for the cringe*)

We arrived at the apartment softly after our conversation. We walked in and I sighed heavily. I slowly made my way to the bedroom and laid down. I was exhausted and it's only 9 am. I mean, it's not a bad time to go back to sleep.

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