The Schoo Trip pt.3

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So Wattpad erased my original one of these, so I have to complete rewrite it. Also, there's going to be mpreg in this chapter because why the fuck not. also, stargazer_305 now you can leave me alone about it 😂

After our first week in America, we had adjusted to the time zone finally. But today was also the day we got to go see Hamilton.

Everyone was excited.

I had just finished up eating breakfast in the lobby and was walking back to Chanyeol and and I's hotel room.

Once I got to the door, I spotted Ten and Johnny walking hand in hand back to their room. I watched them for a moment and saw Ten stop, drop Johnnys hand, and place a quick kiss on Johnnys cheek. Ten smiled wide and took off running. Only to be grabbed up by Johnny and carried to their room.

That caused me to remember prom awhile back. They were that one couple who slow danced to every slow song with there foreheads pressed together. They whispered I love you to each other at least 100 times that night.

I snapped out of my thoughts and realized my hand had been on the doorknob for like five minutes. I laughed at my own stupidity, and walked in the door.

Once I closed the door, I kicked off my shoes off and walked around the room, looking for Chanyeol. I found him laying in between the bed and the window. I began giggled and asked,

"Chanyeol, what the fuck are you doing?"

He look up at me and smiled,

"Nothin. I'm just laying here."

"I see that, hon. But why are you in the floor and not on the bed?"

He shrugged,

"I don't know. I just woke up and was falling on to the floor, so I just decided to stay here until you found me."

(A/N: there's a fucking wasp flying near me right now. Send help)

"Okay. Honey, I hate to break it to you, but you're a dweeb."

He glared up at me, but he laughed soon after. I launched myself on to the bed and then rolled to where my head was off the bed, above Chanyeols,

"Are you excited for the play tonight?"

Chanyeol nodded,

"Yeah, what about you?"

I shrugged,

"Yeah, but I'm not too excited about all the people that are going to be there and the possible loud noises."

Chanyeol's hand came towards my face and he pinched my cheek,

"You're so cute."

I poured and said,

"Am not."

Before he had a chance to fight me on this, my phone pinged. It was a text from my brother.

From Hyungie💕:
Just thought I'd text you and tell you goodnight. Well it's night here, so it's probably morning there. Goodnight Hyunie 💕💞

I smiled at my phone and text him back

To Hyungie💕:

Goodnight hyungie, well good morning ㅋㅋㅋ I love you 🙃

I sat my phone down and looked back at Chanyeol, who had his eyebrow raised at me,

"What, Chan?"

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