Anxious And Away From Home

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We were in the middle of soundcheck when I felt drained. I sat down on the ground and then laid down. I curled into a ball and felt tears in my eyes. I can't do it. I can't do the show tonight with the same energy for the fans like I always have. I'm tired mentally, and physically. I practiced so hard for this concert. I danced for hours on end for days and days. It was bad enough that CBX had a different schedule than EXO, but now we're in a completely different countries. I can't handle not being with Chanyeol on days like this. Days where my depression and anxiety are terrible. I want to go back to Korea. I want to be with my boyfriend. I need his support. Usually when this happens, he'd whisper sweet nothings in my ear and tell me everything was alright.

I don't know how I'm going to do the show tonight. Chanyeol usually comes and hangs out backstage. I love performing, but it's hard on days like this. The tears forming fell and I started sobbing. They were recording this soundcheck for some reason and I heard Minseok say, "Guy's stop recording." They apparently didn't and Jongdae yelled so the people could hear him, "Guy come on, put the camera's down!" Minseok was by me now, rubbing my back, "Baek, it's alright. I know you're having a bad day, but it's going to be alright. Do you want me to call Chanyeol?" I shook my head and sobbed out, "No, h-he's busy. D-don't bother h-him." Minseok rubbed my head, and let me cry.

After another hour, soundcheck was over. My eyes were red and puffy. I cried on and off for the rest of the sound check, and I look like a wreck. We got into the car they called for us, and we went back to the hotel. I slowly made my way to my room and unlocked the door. I walked over to the bed and fell onto it. I grabbed the pillow I had brought with me, it was from Chanyeol's that I stole before I left. I pulled it close to my chest, and inhaled. It still smelled like Chanyeol. We've been in Japan for three days, and I miss him already. Well I've missed him since we landed here. We here in Tokyo for two more days. I don't know if I can last. I'm going to have a full blown break down if I don't find a way to compose myself.

I didn't realise I had fallen asleep until I was woken up by my phone ringing. I found it in the blanket and looked at it. It was a facetime from Chanyeol. I answered and said, "Hello?" my voice cracked and I saw him frown, "Hey Baekie, are you were having a bad day?" I nodded and snuggled into the pillow I was hugging. Chanyeol gave me a sad smile, and said, "I'm sorry baby, I wish I could be there with you." I moved the pillow away from my mouth and said, "I wish you were here too. I can't do the show tonight. I just can't. I'm going to have a break down. I need you Yeollie. I n-need you h-here with me" I broke. I started crying, and said, "I'm s-sorry. Today's just been r-really hard, an-and" I couldn't talk anymore, I just started uncontrollably sobbing. He ssh-ed me and said softly, "Baby, it's going to be okay. I wish I could be there to hold you, and help you. God why didn't just let me come with you?" I swear if SM wasn't my company, I'd sue." I laughed a little at the last part, "I love you Yeollie." "I love you too jagi."

I wiped my tears, and grabbed a tissue from the bedside table. I blew my nose and I said, "I look like trash." Chan smiled and said, "Well I think you look beautiful." I gave him a "are you kidding me" look and said, "How?" He laughed and said, "I think you're beautiful all the time." I brought the phone up to there only from my eyes up was showing, "How about now?" He laughed and said, "Of course baby." I put the camera to where it was showing my nostrils and said, "Now?" Chanyeol busted into a fit of laughter and said, best nose, 2018." I smiled and laughed slightly, "Well my day is officially better. I wish I could talk to you for the rest of the day. But I have a concert in two hours." I pouted and he said, "Well I'm free for the next thirty minutes, so we can talk until then!" I smiled and said, "Sounds good, love."

Three hours later

I stepped back onto the stage after changing. We were in white suits and then the sound of the sound of a slot machine played. Minseok looked up and said, "Ka-ching!" We started dancing and singing our hearts out. When the song ended, we ran backstage to get changed. We changed into more casual clothes. We walked out on stage and got into tiny cars for kids. The beat for Vroom Vroom came on and we started driving around the stage. I smiled and waved at fans when I wasn't singing. Minseok and I crashed into each other a couple of times, and Jongdae crashed into us to on purpose a couple of times also.

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