Tenku No Miracle Star

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Let's create a miracle! Let's put a smile on your face!
Painting our love across the heavens
Enough to make the sunlight envious,
Let's create a shining world!

STARISH - Tenku no Miracle Star

Your family owns a boarding home and you work there. The boarding home already has tenants and they go to the same school as you. Ren, Tokiya and Syo are seniors while Cecil, Ottoya, Natsuki, and Masato are in the same school year as you. The eight of you live in the same house.

You will always help them with the chores because not everyone is really good at it. Like when Natsuki was in charge of making dinner, he made something that was caught on fire. Then there was Masato who was always gets on everyone's nerves of not cleaning the house properly. Even if it can be hectic, it was fun living with them.

Today was your birthday and everyone knew but you didn't. You are always tired of helping everyone with the chores which made you forget. Along with the amount of studying you do.

"Good morning~" Ottoya enters the huge kitchen from his morning jog. "Good morning Ottoya-kun, breakfast will be ready in a minute." You finish cooking the eggs and place them on a plate. "Something smells good [Y/N]-chan." Ren takes his seat. "Good morning [Y/N]-chan!" Natsuki picks you up and twirls you around.

"Natsuki! Not in the kitchen!" You gasp at his sudden action. "Oi Natsuki!" Syo yells as he enters the dinning room. "You guys are loud in the mornings." Masato walks in along with Tokiya. "Breakfast tastes excellent!" Cecil smiles.

"Guys, just eat and go to school. We're going to be late." You death panned. "[Y/N] is right, let's hurry up and go to school one time." Tokiya sighs. "Hai~" Everyone took their seat to eat and went for school. Every girl at school was screaming for the guys. Just like any regular day.

"Well I'll see you guys after school bye!" You walk off before you were going to be caught in the crowd. Upon your way to your classroom, you see your best friend Alyssa. "Good morning [Y/N]!" She chirped. "Good morning Alyssa," you replied.

"Are you okay? You look tired." "Well morning is always hectic because of everyone not really helping me." You sigh. "Let me guess, did Natuski do something on you?" You in response. "He picked me up and twirled me in the kitchen. But luckily Syo came at the right time."

"Damn you must be lucky to live in a house with seven good looking guys." Alyssa wiggles her eyebrows. "I don't think so..." You muttered. "Okay everyone take your seats! Class is about to start!" Your teacher walked in to start class.


School ended and just as you were about to leave the classroom, you get a text from Ottoya.

Hey [Y/N], we are all busy because of club activities so you can walk with your best friend.

That's weird. They don't have club activities all at the same time, also not all of them are in club activities... "Hey Alyssa, you wanna walk home with me?" You ask your friend. "Sure why not? It felt like forever since we walk home! We can also stop by a cafe on the way while we're at it."

You and your best friend made your way to a popular cafe. It still bothered you how everyone is busy because it was suspicious. "EARTH TO [Y/N]!" "Huh?" You snap out of your thoughts by Alyssa. "What were you thinking about?" She gave a smug look.

"Well everyone said that they're busy but I don't know to what..." You answer. "Well I'm sure they will help you later on." Alyssa gives you a reassuring smile. "Thanks." You smiled back. After finishing your drink, Alyssa walked you back home and you enter the empty and quiet dorm.

"I'm home? Why is it quiet here?" You took off your shoes and suddenly a confetti pop is heard. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY [Y/N]!!!"Everyone surprised you with a candle-lit cake. "Wait today is my birthday today!?" You exclaimed and everyone laughed. "Of course it is you, dummy!" Otoya chuckled.

"Wait, since when did you guys had the time to set up all of this?" You pondered. "Well we lied about having team practices and Alyssa helped us by distracting you," Cecil explained. "That explains everything." Everything came together like a puzzle.

"Anyways, hurry up and blow the candles!" Natsuki urged you. "I will after I think of my wish." After thinking for a few seconds, a wish came to your head and you blew the candles. Your parent directed everyone into the common room so you can open your presents. The fact your parents had organized everything for you, is loving.

Opening one present to another you loved the gifts your friends gave you. After the day came to an end, from playing games and sharing favourable memories of each other, everyone had cleaned up and was gathered in the common room. 

"Thank you so much, guys!" You pulled all them into a group hug and shortly after released it. "It's nothing [Y/N]!" Ottoya smiled. "Not going to lie, but I thought you had a sense today was your birthday..." Tokyo bluntly said. "Well I couldn't help it since I was trying to balance my work and school life at the same time." You sweatdrop.

"It's okay, I'll remember my birthday next year so you wouldn't have to throw a birthday party for me." "It doesn't matter if you remember it or not, cause we'll be here to celebrate it with you." Masato lightly smiled. "Exactly," Ren added.

"You guys..." Feeling some tears coming out of your eyes. "AWW [Y/N]-CHAN IS CRYING!" Natsuki pulled you into a tight embrace. "Why do you have to say that!" Syo lightly scolded Masato. "[Y/N]! Please don't cry!" Cecil panicked.

As much it was a chaotic boarding house, it was a place where you felt warmth from your roommates.

[A/N: howdyyy! im alive!! i know i have been away for like nearly a year(!?) but because of university i'm dying. this isn't my best work so forgive me i didn't know how i would have starish to you know, "be in love". so i took this approach.



for this special occasion, i will write a part two of one of the oneshots i wrote so vote which one!!

anyways, i hope you guys are doing well. i'll try to update more with this book whenever i have the time

there are so many ideas i have for everyone's song😤

until next time~]

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