Hoshikuzu ☆ Shall we dance

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The stars go 'tick-tack, tick-tack' in a grace waltz,

Just like a beating heart

I'll search for your answer in a kiss! Our story's beginning!

Tokiya Ichinose - Hoshikuzu Shall we dance

You are a high-school student at Starish High School. In a few weeks it will your school festival so what your class had decided was a play. The story consists of a princess and a prince which is pretty much cliché. It was randomly picked for every student in your class what role they will be.

Of course, all the girls wanted the role of the Princess but you got it. The prince will be played no other than Tokiya Ichinose. All the girls were jealous and wanted to switch what role they had but the teacher said no one can switch. Thus you were worried about the play.

Your classmates have been practicing during class time and after school for a month now. During the time of practices with Tokiya, you and Tokiya have gotten close as friends.

Soon came the day where the play will be performed. "[Y/N], are you nervous?" Tokiya asks while you were taking huge breaths. "Of course not! Why wouldn't I be? Ha ha ha!" "[Y/N], you're squeezing my hand." You realize what you were doing and let go quickly.

"Its alright [Y/N], I think you'll be great. Looks like the play is about to start so break a leg." Tokiya assures and you smile. "Thanks, Tokiya." "We have a play from class 2-1 performing next." The audience clapped while some classmates including you were getting ready.

The curtain rises up and Masato takes his place as the narrator of the play. "Once upon a time lived a princess from a faraway country. This princess was lonely and no one in her kingdom can cheer her up. It was then decided by the King whoever makes the princess laugh, a wish will be granted.

A lot of jesters and villagers tried their best but cannot the princess could not smile." The actors including yourself took their positions for the next scene which when Tokiya appears on the court. "Until then, a prince from the neighbouring kingdom Prince Tokyia arrived."

Tokiya appears on the stage and girls scream off stage. "Hello Your Highness, I am here to make the princess smile." Tokiya looks at Cecil who plays the King. "And how will you do that?" Cecil asked. "May I request to have a dance with her?" Tokiya asked.

"The king agreed and so the princess made her way to the court." Masato narrate. "MUSIC!" Cecil claps and the small orchestra starts playing. Tokiya offers his hand to you take it. The two of you start to dance around the court. It is awkward in front of someone yet again, literally anyone.

"The princess was having a fun time dancing with the prince. Soon she laughed and everyone in the court was shocked." "[Y/N]! You laughed!" Cecil exclaimed. "It's happy to see you laughing princess." Tokiya smiles. "Thank you prince Tokiya." You pull away to take a bow.

"Since you made my daughter [Y/N] laugh, what is your wish?" Cecil asks. "I am here to ask you if I can take your daughter's hand to marriage," Tokiya replies. "My daughter, you ask?" Cecil turns over to you who is calm.

"What is your answer [Y/N]? Do you want to marry this man?" Cecil asks you. "Please give me some time to let me know him first. Father. It is better to know your partner first than to marry right away." You answer. "Alright. I will give you one week to meet."

"And so the King fulfilled his daughter's wish. During the week the two fell in love and the princess agreed to get married. A few months later, the two gotten married." Masato narrates. Everyone got ready for the next seance which is the final dance.

"Everyone admired how the two danced the night away." Tokiya takes your hand and you two starts dancing. This is were the play ends but something came up. "Princess [Y/N], you know I love you. It was first love at sight for me when I saw you."

You don't know whether this was part of the play or Tokiya saying these words to you. "Really? I thought you were joking at first." You chuckle. Tokiya stops and lifts your chin up. "If I were to be joking, do you think I would do this?" Tokiya leans down to kiss you and the crowd goes wild.

He pulls away to see your face scarlet red which bring a smile to his face. "Thus the princess and the prince lived happily ever after. The end." Masato read and everyone cheers. The actors hold each other hands and took a bow to the audiences. The curtain closes and everyone quickly made their way to the exit.

"[Y/N]," You turn to see Tokiya. "Those words I said earlier, are true." A blush creeps up to your face. "Tokiya I don't know what to say..." "It's okay [Y/N], just like the characters, we can take our time to know each other." A smile is brought to your face. "I guess so."

[A/N: thank you @Lunarian_Knight, this one is for you~~

feel free to request a song ^^]

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