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You smile innocently at this me who won't become meek

If I'd realized it, you've always been there for me


You and Syo are villagers from a small town far from the Capital. Syo always wanted to be a captain at the Capital when he was young and since then, he has been training. A lot of kids did pick on Syo because they said he won't make it due to his short height.

But you would stand up for Syo and defend him. Since then you have been there for Syo for a long time. "Syo where have you been?!" You exclaim as you see Syo lifting two barrels as weights. "Training what else?" He asks as he drops the barrels.

"At least take a break once in a while okay? Let's go home, dinner is waiting for us." You drag him out of the forest and into the village. You are known to be the prettiest woman. The bullies that once picked on Syo are jealous of how you are always with Syo.

"Woah [Y/N] you should slow down." He chuckles. "But I don't want dinner to be cold for you." You said and Syo blushes a bit. "O-Okay..." You enter your house and the table is ready with food waiting to be eaten. "Thank you for the food!" The two of you said before digging in.

"Syo what happens if you get a letter from the Capital?" You ask. "Of course I will accept it! My dreams will be coming true." He smiles. You really did want to support Syo's dream ever since you were young but, that would also mean him leaving you behind. "Yeah I know," You smile with pain in your heart.

"Well looks like I should go to sleep now if I want to work out early." Syo stands up and walks to his room. "Good night [Y/N]." He smiles and you smiled back. "Good night Syo."

After a few days, there was a letter for Syo from the capital. "Syo! You got mail from the Capital." You hand him the letter and he wipes the sweat off of his forehead. He opens the letter and reads it. "Well, what does it say?" You ask. His face brings into a smile.

"I got accepted [Y/N]!" He hugs you. "Congrats Syo!" You smile. That night the two of you celebrated to Syo's acceptance at eating the fanciest restaurant in town. You fell asleep and Syo tucked you in bed. "I will be sure to come back for you [Y/N]..." Syo said softly. You smile in your sleep after hearing those words.

The following day, Syo left town. It was painful for you to see Syo leaving but you knew you couldn't stop him. After a few days, you got a mail from Syo telling you how he's been. Such as training, how strict everything is and his lifestyle.

You appreciated his letters and wrote back on how you were doing too. Until one day he mentioned that a war was about to break out. He was chosen to go and confessed that he had feelings for you in the letter; if by any chance he didn't make it.

You were relieved and happy at the same time that Syo has feelings for you. But you don't know if Syo will make out alive which made you sad. Soon the news reached to your village that they successfully won the war and you were aching to see if Syo was alive.

So you left your village and headed towards the Capital just to make sure he is alive. Upon arriving at the capital, it seemed to so lively because of the victory but you couldn't find Syo anywhere. So referring to the mail Syo sent you, you made your way to the training grounds.

When arriving, a lot of men were questioning why you were here. But you ignored all of their stares while you continued your quest. You see a familiar blond head walking with crutches, getting help from a tall blond man. "Syo... SYO!" You ran up to him.

"SYO! THANK GOODNESS YOU ARE ALIVE!" You hug him tightly with tears in your eyes. "Wha- [Y/N]?! What are you doing here?!" Syo exclaims. "YOU IDIOT! I THOUGHT YOU DIED!" You cry in his shoulder. "[Y/N]...." Syo was surprised by your current state. But he drops his crutches and hugs you back trying to calm you down.

"I'm fine, see? Don't worry about me." Syo comforts you and you pull away from him. "Are you really?" You sniffle. "Well still recovering but I'm fine." He sheepishly smiles and you chuckle. "Syo, I have an answer to your question." "What question? I don't recall asking you a question." Syo is confused.

"I love you too." You blush looking down while saying those words. "WHAT REALLY!? ALRIGHT!" Syo picked you up and attempts to swing you around but fell. You both laugh not caring if people were looking at you guys. "Well, you should recover first then." You were trying to catch your breath. "I should." Syo then gives you a kiss on your cheek and you blush at his action. 

"Thank you for staying by my side [Y/N]." He smiles. "You're welcome Syo."

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