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I love you! Such things as "I want to hold you close,"
Ah, I want to hear those things from you
I'm so dishonest
That it's Painful Love's


On your walk back to your house, you encountered the most bizarre thing in your life. There stood four demons in front of your path; the ones with horns and wings. According to them, your mother had promised she will marry one of them once she turns 18. But ended up forgetting the promise and married your father.

The "promise" was passed down to you and right now you are 18 which made it worse. Right when you thought you were too young to marry a demon like them, you start to question what made your mother end in a situation like that.

So what would you do to solve this issue? Spend a day with all of them cause why not. (Mainly Reiji's idea since it was logic compared to anyone else's). They picked tomorrow which also happens to be the weekend. When you told your mom about the situation, she started to laugh.

"What's wrong mom?" You asked. "It's nothing dear. I remembered being close friends with them until I moved away from Japan." "So did they like, follow you until you would make your choice?" You ask.

"No I don't think so, maybe they gave up on me. But I don't that really happened looking at what you're doing though." Your mom chuckled. "Who were you about to pick?" You asked. "Oh me? Hmmm, I think at that time I was into Reiji..." "That happy-go-lucky guy!?" You exclaimed.

"Don't worry honey, you'll find the right guy. Just because I said I was about to go for him doesn't mean you have to. Just follow your heart." You sighed "We'll see about it." That night you went to sleep after finishing your homework, thinking about how the date will go tomorrow. How is it possible to fall in love in one day? Is the thought you had before drifting to sleep.

The following day, you got ready for the "date". As you walked down the stairs, you stop after seeing what's in front of you. "[Y/N]! Do you want breakfast?" Your mom asked not minding the four intruders in your house. You noticed that they didn't show their horns and wings too.

"Sure..." You slowly made your way to the table, avoiding eye contact from the demons who were around your mom. "She looks like you [M/N]-chan!" Reiji complimented. "Obviously, who else would she look like?" Ai said coldly. "You're mean Ai-Ai." Reiji pouted."Oi," You look up to see Ranmaru staring at you. "Y-Yes?" You stuttered.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked. "Ran-Ran you can't do that [Y/N]! It's up to us where we want to take her." Reiji scolding Ranmaru lightly. "Well I don't know her that well so I asked her," Ranmaru grumbled. "I actually have no preferences..." You said quietly before it became a heated argument. "Shut up peasants, especially you dandelion head!" Camus's yelled.

"I'll take her to my location first so you peasants can take her wherever you want to." Campus stood up and grabbed your hand. "We're leaving," "Have fun [Y/N]~" Your mom chirped before you left the house. "Um, Camus? Where are we going?" You noticed he didn't let go of your hand. "A cafe." Is all he answered. "Oh..."

After a few minutes, you arrive at a cafe you really wanted to go for a long time. The wait lines were always long but for some reason there was no line today. "Wait, why there no one in this cafe?" You asked. "Because I reserved it for you today," Camus answered. Woah, he did this for me? You entered the cafe and only the workers were there.

"Good Morning Camus-sama, please pick any seat and we will start with your buffet." "B-Buffet?! Just how much food did you order off of the menu?!" "I just simply have a sweet tooth my lady." The tone suddenly changed which surprised you. Camus pulled out a chair for you and you sat down. The workers brought out food from the kitchen. As they placed the food in front of you, your eyes were wide as dishes.

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