Double Face

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Which one do you prefer?

(Both will be as you wish)

Whichever it is, I'll give it to you!

Captivation's double face

Camus - Double Face

You are a student at Quartet Academy. A lot of girls are fawning over the student council president Camus. Why? Well, he is a gentleman and is rumoured to come from a noble family. You, on the other hand, do not go after him after what your older brother Ranmaru said about him. He is, let say a bit overprotective over you.

"Listen [Y/N], whenever he is alone with me, he always insult me saying I am a dandelion head. This guy also consumes a lot of sugar that can give him diabetes." Ranmaru said while walking to school with you. "If that is true, why are the girls still going after him?" You ask.

"It's because he is never alone. He only shows his true colour when you are alone with him. Think about it, why do you think he is always surrounded by a group of girls?" He asks you. "Anyways have fun at school today. I won't be able to pick you up after school today." Ranmaru said.

"Don't worry about me, just have fun okay? I'll make dinner for you once you come home." You smile at Ranmaru. He gives you a kiss on your forehead. "Thanks [Y/N]." He heads inside the school's building first. You took your time and walked inside the classroom. All the students especially the boys in your class avoided you after what Ranmaru did.

He said he will threaten every boy if they ever dare to touch you or talk to you. You sigh as you take your seat. Thoughts of having a boyfriend in school will be impossible because of Ranmaru and that no boy is willing to fight for you. The school bell rings and everyone walks to their respective seats while the teacher walks in.

"Good morning everyone, please take out your literacy textbook and turn to page 34. We are going to taking up homework questions." You take out your homework book and your textbook.

The lunch bell starts to ring and you stand up taking your lunch box with you. You make your way to the rooftop where there were no students. But today was different. You see the student council president sitting next to a table that had pastries. It looks like he is expecting someone. Well looks like you won't be eating here today.

You turn around to walk back. "Stop right there," Camus said and you stop your tracks. "Uh, are you talking to me?" You ask turning around slowly. "Who else would I be talking to you indolent fool?" Looks like Ranmaru was right. He stands up and walks towards you.

"What do you want?" You ask. "You see, the school rooftops are out of boundaries yet you are the only one coming here," Camus said and you flinch a bit. "Why is it that you come here Ranmaru's sister?" He asks you pointing his sceptre at you. You move the sceptre out of your face.

"I don't know if you can tell by now, but I don't have any friends. So I wanted to be alone and the rooftop was my only choice." You explain. "Why don't you make any friends?" Camus asks. "Well, who do you think is preventing that?" You death panned.

He turns around and walks back to his seat. "What are you waiting for, take a seat. I'll eat lunch with you fool." Camus takes a sip of his tea. "Oh..." You walk slowly and took your seat across from Camus. "Are you going to treat me that same way as my brother?" You ask before taking a bite of your lunch.

"I won't. Your brother is the one who is a disgraced nobleman." Camus spat. You chuckle at his remark of your brother. "What's funny?" He asks. "I find it funny with the names you call each other." You confess. "Like dandelion head? Is that really the best one you can come up with?" You laugh.

"Humph!" He turns his head away in ignorance. You spent your lunch break with Camus. Your brother was right about Camus showing his true colours when alone which is strange. You would talk the majority of the time and knew Camus would be listening to you.

Soon the bell rings across the school signalling lunch is now over. "Well, it was nice eating lunch with you. Thank you for inviting me and hope you have a great day." You bow and left the rooftop, walking back to your class. Everyone settled in and the teacher walks in to resume the lesson.

After school ended, you walk back home prepping for dinner. Your parents have been busy with work so they left you and Ranamru behind. You were fine after a while since you knew the amount of debt your family have. A few hours pass and you hear your brother entering the house.

"I'm home," Ranmaru said. "Welcome back. You can take the shower first. Dinner will be done in a bit." You said. "Okay." Ranmaru walks to his room first and then to the bathroom. You place dinner on the table and started to eat first. After a few minutes, Ranmaru joins you. "How was school?" He asks you.

"It was great. Do you anything for lunch tomorrow?" You ask. "Lot's of meat." He answers and you laugh. "Of course." You both finish eating dinner and you went upstairs to do your homework while Ranmaru was cleaning the dishes. The thought of telling Ranmaru about Camus is risky.

If you did tell Ranmaru, he for sure kill Camus or beat him up. That would also leave you with no friend which is something you don't like. After finishing your homework you went to bed with the thoughts about Camus.

A few weeks have passed and you continue to hang out with Camus during lunch. During those weeks, turned into feelings for Camus. But you knew your brother would not accept the relationship if that were to actually happen. "You seem down today [Y/N]," Camus said as he takes a bite out of his cake.

"I-Its nothing." You stutter. "Is Ranmaru the cause of it?" Camus asks. You hesitate with the answer and thought it will be best that you say it now then to compress it down. "Kind of... Because I am Ranmaru's sister, everyone in the school is scared to approach me. Mainly guys because Ranmaru is overprotective of me.

I really wanted friends but none approached me. Until you appeared at the rooftop I was happy to have some company. And now... I started to have feelings for you..." You whispered the last part. "It's okay if you don't accept it because no one wants to go against my brother. Anyways have a great day Camus-san."

You walk away from the rooftops with tears in your eyes. But you felt someone picking you up bridal style and walking down the stairs. You look up to see Camus carrying you. "Wha-" "Shut up." You were gaining attraction from the students in the hallways as he walks to Ranmaru's classroom.

"Where is Ranmaru Kurosaki?" He demanded. "He's ri-" A student was cut off by Ranmaru. "What do you want? Also, why do you do you have my sister in your arms?" He growls. "I've fallen for her," Camus confesses and your face becomes red.

"You sweet addict moron! You just can't do that to my sister." Ranmaru exclaims. "She has the choice to do anything she wants. Do you not notice how lonely she gets during lunch? Or how she doesn't have any friends? It's all because of you that [Y/N] is having a horrible high school life!"

Ranmaru remains quietly being dumbfounded. "[Y-Y/N], is this true?" He asks you. Camus places you on the ground and you walk towards your brother. "I'm sorry Onii-chan. I really don't want to upset you..." You said quietly. "I know you wanted to protect me but I'm all grown up."

Ranmaru pulls you into a hug. "I-I'm sorry for not noticing this earlier." He apologizes. You hug him back and smile. "It's okay. I know it was part of your instincts." "Ahem!" You both pull away and turn to see Camus. "Shall we go?" Camus offers his hand.

You look at Ranmaru before going to Camus, waiting for his approval. Ranmaru ruffles his hair and sighs. "Fine, you can go. Oi you sweet tooth aristocrat, if you make my sister cry, I will never forgive you." He gives a death glare to Camus. You walk over to Camus and he gives a death glare back to Ranmaru. "I should be saying that to you too, you dandelion head." He replies.

"You guys seriously need to stop calling each other stupid names." You shake your head and left the classroom. They both huff at each other and Camus catches up to you. "[Y/N]," You look up to Camus and you hum in response. "Which side do you like the most?" He asks you. "What do you mean? I like both sides of course." You chuckle and Camus smiles. 

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