My Little Little Girl

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Shall we hold hands and go home? Until tomorrow's light shines

You are the only one who knows this smile of mine

Tokiya Ichinose - My Little Little Girl

You and Tokiya have been neighbours ever since you were born. Even though he is older than you by four years, you would hang out with him. A few years ago, your parents would ask Tokiya to pick you up from kindergarten due to their work.

Now that you are now in elementary school and Tokiya is in middle school, you would be picked up by Tokiya because the two of you love spending time with each other. It is a habit for you and Tokiya to walk together while holding hands just like the old days.

"Tokiya!" You yell and Tokiya at the entrance greets you with open arms. You run into his arms and he hugs you tightly. "Hi [Y/N], how are you?" He pulls you away and you smile. "I'm great!" He chuckles and holds your hand, walking towards your house. "How was school for you?" You ask him.

"Great as usual," Tokiya answers. You find it weird that he never talks about friends at school like you do. "Oh that reminds me, tomorrow is the sports festival at my school. You are welcome to come [Y/N]." "Really!? I have always wanted to see how your new school looks like." Tokiya smiles.

You arrive at your house and Tokiya lets go of your hand. "Remember to ask your parents. Anyways goodbye." He gives a kiss on your head and walks to his house. You enter your house and greet your parents. "I'm home." Your mother replies. "Welcome back." "Oh mom, can I go to Tokiya's school tomorrow? They are holding a sports festival." You ask.

"I see why not. I will talk to Tokiya's mother." "Thank you, mom. I will be upstairs working on my homework." You went upstairs to your room being happy with the news. I can't wait to go!

The next day~~

Your parents and Tokiya's parents arrive at the sports festival. The parents first pick a place that is close to the field so you can have a better view. All the students line up in their class to have their opening ceremony.

You found Tokiya lined up with his class and see that he has no friends. After the speech from the Principle, it is official for the games to start. All the students sat on the other side of the field while cheering on for their classmates. Tokiya, on the other hand, was sitting away from his classmates.

Soon it is lunchtime for everyone. Tokiya walks to your location and the parents greet them. "Where is [Y/N]" he asks. "I'm right here!" You surprise him from behind. He smiles and hugs you. "Are you enjoying the sports festival [Y/N]?" He asks and you nod. "It looks fun!"

"You two should eat first." Tokiya's mom chuckles. "Hai!" You both answer while taking your seats. Everyone starts to eat and talks about how school and such. "Mom, can I walk around the school with Tokiya?" You ask "Tokiya, is that fine with you?" Your mom asks Tokiya.

"Sure. Come on [Y/N], let's go." The two of you stand up and walk around Tokiya's school building holding each other's hands. "Tokiya, why don't you have friends?" You ask and he stops his track. "Tokiya? Is there something I said wrong?"

"No, it's just, the reason I don't have any friends it's just I don't approach to anyone. Everyone thinks I am just a nobody." He confesses. "That's not true, you have some people who want to talk to you but you always look down. Try to look up Tokiya, you deserve more friends. And I think you will come across someone who needs your help." You smile and he smiles back.

"Thanks [Y/N]. Let's go back." He takes you back to your parents and continued to talk. After lunch was over, more sports were played by the student. It then came to the final event, the scavenger relay race and Tokiya is one of the participates.

"Tokiya you can do it!" The parents cheered on. "On your marks, get ready," BANG! The gun went off and the students ran to the box. Tokiya was first to pick a paper out of the box and he started to run towards you and the parents.

"[Y/N] I need you to come with me!" He pants and takes out his hand. "Why?" You ask. "Just come." He takes you by the hand and starts to run while you are trying to catch up with his speed. What is his item? "Here..." He hands the paper to the judge and he looks at you. "1st place goes to class 1-3!" The referee announces and everyone from Tokiya's class cheers.

"Tokiya, what was the item you had to bring?" You ask. "I prefer not to say it out loud..." He blushes. "Come on~" You nudge his arm. "S-someone I-i like..." He said quietly and you blush. "O-oh..." "Okay students, that was the last event! Can all students line up with their respective classes for the closing ceremony." The principal announces.

"Well see you then." He kisses you on the forehead before he runs to his classmates. The closing ceremony was held and you were standing by your parents and Tokiya's. The principal said his speech and all the students were dismissed afterwards. Tokiya walks towards you and the parents.

"Shall we go home now?" Your father asks. "We should." Tokiya's mom chuckles. Tokiya grabs your hand and leads you and the parents back home. On the way back home the parents were discussing something. "Don't they look cute together?" Your mom asks your father.

"They do." Your father agrees. "What if they got married?" Tokiya's father asks. "We are going to be in-laws!" Tokiya's mother cheers with your mother while the fathers chuckle. "Tokiya why are you blushing?" You ask. "D-don't worry about me..." He said quietly. 

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