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"So you're a vampire?" Arkyn was with Caroline trying to calm her.
"Why are you helping me? Bonnie hates me."
"Bonnie just needs a little time to get used to the fact that you're a vampire. She doesn't like vampires all that much."
"Well she likes you."
"I can't figure that one out." Arkyn shrugged.
"I killed someone."
"Did you mean to?" Arkyn asked.
"Did you go to the carnival to kill someone?"
"Did you specifically go with the mind to hurt someone."
"Yeah. But only Damon. Because he deserved it."
"I'm sure he did."
"I don't know what happened. I could control myself at the hospital. I drank the blood of the nurse, which was bad I know but I compelled her to forget."
"That's really good control for a new vamp. Really, it was impossible for me to not kill when I first turned, and I didn't even know I could compel."
"How long have you been a vampire?"
"Quite a while." He deflected.
"Will you help me?"
"Of course. I'm here every step of the way. But let's let Stefan try his way first."
"What way is that?"
"Just wait and see."
"Have you ever... compelled me?"
"No. Of course not."
"Even if I had, you'd be able to remember. Compulsion wears off when you turn."
"Have you ever killed?"
"More than once?"
"A couple of times. There were no such things as blood bags when I was alive. And we didn't know we could compel for a while either."
"My siblings and I."
"So you really have siblings?"
"I only ever lied about time. So when I say I haven't seen them in three years, I meant something else."
"So how long has it been?"
"A while."
"You don't like being asked about your age?"
"Why not?"
"I think we're veering a little off topic here." He looked outside. "Looks like Bonnie and Stefan are here."
"I'll go let them in." Was all he said.
"Hey." Bonnie smiled at him.
"Hi." He grinned back, and moved aside so they'd come in. He walked up to Caroline's room.
"Bonnie!" Caroline smiled. Bonnie didn't smile back and Arkyn nudged her.
"Let's just do this."
"Do what?"
"How would you like to walk in the sun?"
"I'm making you a daylight ring."
"Really?" She looked ecstatic. Bonnie got her grimoire out and put it on Caroline's bed, and gave Caroline a ring. "Wait. So, I don't get to choose the ring I have to wear the rest of my life?"
"Hey, if you don't want it..." Bonnie trailed off.
"No, no, she wants it." Stefan was quick to intervene.
"Now what?"
"Now is the part where I explain the rules. The witch who spells the ring has the power to de-spell it so if you ever do anything to hurt anyone..."
"Bonnie.." Arkyn started.
"I'm not gonna hurt anyone."
"You are a vampire that mean the urge to kill is a part of who you are. The minute you let it take over, I will stop you."
"Bonnie, you're supposed to be my friend."
"I can't ignore what happened, okay? If you want to be friends, you have to prove that the Caroline I remember isn't gone. Now put the ring on the bed." Caroline looked upset but did as she said.
"Do you really think I meant to kill that guy at the carnival?"
"He's still dead. Now, do you want me to cast the spell or not?" She opened a little bit of the curtain. The sun shined on the ring. Bonnie looked at the ring and closed her eyes before finally opening them.
"All done." Caroline slipped on the ring, skeptically.
"So that's it? I mean nothing witchy happened. You know, no flickering lights, no gust of wind. Have you even done this before?"
"Caroline..." Stefan warned.
"What? I just want to make sure that it worked." She defended. Bonnie rolled her eyes and just opened the curtains wide.
"It worked." Bonnie said.
"But what if it hadn't, Bonnie?!" She looked upset.
"She's all yours." Bonnie walked out.
"She doesn't hate you Caroline. She could've refused to make you a ring, could've gotten someone else to do it. But she did it. For you."
"Are you sure?" She frowned.
"Positive. I'll be back to check on you later?"
"Thanks, Ark." She smiled and he left after Bonnie.
"Bonnie!" He called.
"I can't do it, Ark. I just- I look at her, and I see that man."
"You need time. But Caroline is going to be okay. She didn't understand what the hunger really felt like. All she had to go on was the memories that literally flooded her brain. All the things that had been compelled away. She didn't really understand much of what was going on."
"Will you help her for me?"
"Of course. You want to go for a walk?"
"Okay." Arkyn put his arm around her shoulder and started walking.
"I was born in this town." He spoke, and Bonnie turned to him in surprise.
"But Mystic Falls was founded a hundred and fifty years ago. You're over three centuries old."
"Your history books are mistaken. When I lived here, a very long time ago, it was much different to what you see here today. For one, all these buildings. We had houses, but not these brick or cement ones you see today." He stopped her in the middle of a street, and raised his arms. "This was my favourite hiding spot once. There was this massive tree here with a hollow space. I'd creep to the back of the tree where the shrubs would hide the opening."
"You fit inside a tree?"
"It was massive. Big enough to fit two. I stopped going inside after I caught Kol making out with some girl in there."
"Your brother made out with a girl... inside a tree?"
"Kol could get any woman to do what he wanted. And he loved to show off with his magic. He was quite the player, if I'm being honest. He'd give them flowers out of nowhere- they couldn't resist. And the tree, doesn't sound very romantic, but with the help of his magic... well, he made it look bigger and better than it was. They loved the magic tree."
"Gross." She frowned.
"My thoughts exactly. I found another hiding spot after that. I had no desire to accidentally walk in on Kol again."

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