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The next day Arkyn left very early in the morning without letting Xavier or Alexis know where he was. Which did turn out to be a good thing seeing as the siblings had no idea how to explain what they'd be doing. Damon did end up calling them and telling them to meet him at an address.
When they got there Bonnie, Jeremy and Damon were there.
"What are you two doing here?" Bonnie asked, noticing them.
"We're helping." Alexis smiled sweetly before heading over to Jeremy. He gave her a hug, while Bonnie turned to Damon.
"You called them?" She asked.
"Well, firstly he offered their help before we knew you had magic back, and secondly he raised some valid points." Damon shrugged.
"No." Bonnie scowled. "Absolutely not." She got out her phone.
"What are you going to do? Tell on us?"
"If that's what it takes." She said.
"I wouldn't hold my breath. He's been gone since the a.m." Xavier shrugged.
"Where did he go?"
"I don't know."
"He never usually leaves without telling us. But I don't think he's in trouble." Alexis said. Bonnie hung up.
"Yeah, he's not answering."
"Bonnie, we need them."
"Not with this spell we don't!" She said, gesturing to the grimoire. Before she could move, Xavier snatched the grimoire and looked at the spell. He read through it.
"You can't channel this much power." Xavier said. "Not without consequences."
"What kind of consequences?" Damon asked.
"Why do you care?" Bonnie took the grimoire back. "As long as Elena's safe."
"We care." Xavier said. "And you cannot die."
"I won't die."
"Bonnie!" Alexis said, angrily. "Look, one person cannot handle this much power. Expelling it all to kill Klaus would kill you. And you'd need it all."
"One person can't." Damon said slowly. "But what about two or three?"
"Two would work." Alexis said.
"You guys aren't part of this." Bonnie said.
"We're making ourselves part of it." Xavier said. "You can't talk us out of it. Like it or not, we're going to help."
"I'm doing this." Bonnie said.
"If you and I do this, and Xave backs us up in case anything goes wrong, we have a really good shot at killing Klaus." Alexis said.
"And if it goes way wrong and you both die-"
"We won't. That's why Xave's going to be the backup. He's more powerful than me, so if anything goes wrong, he can intervene."
"It's the least riskiest chance you have." Xavier added.
"I can't."
"And Ark doesn't need to know until it's over. I mean worst case scenario he'll be too relieved that we're alive to get that mad." Alexis said.
"No, he'll still be mad, he'll just find a very passive aggressive way to show it." Xavier corrected.
"I'm sold." Damon said.
"Damon, no." Bonnie said.
"Bonnie, face it. You're outnumbered." He replied. "I'm for the idea where the least amount of people die." She glared but sighed.
"Fine. But if the two of you get hurt, I reserve the right to say I told you so." She said.
"Deal." Alexis smirked. "Now let's go, we have creepy dead with power to harvest."

Arkyn was sitting in a living room, sipping tea.
"Alright. Cut the crap, Arkyn. Why are you here?" There was an old lady sitting across from him.
"Look, I know you don't like me, and I respect that, but I want you to be a part of Xavier and Alexis' lives. More than the dreaded visits every once in a while."
"My father used to tell me stories of a vampire who mercilessly killed his father. Who murdered the townspeople."
"I know. And you hate me, because I'm a vampire. Because I'm the reason your father watched his father die."
"Sounds about right." Ruby shrugged.
"Hate me all you want, god knows I do, but Xavier and Lex are your grandchildren. And I care about them too. So we've got to get to some sort of agreement, because their mother is dead. And you're the only blood family they have left."
"I can't watch them get themselves killed."
"I won't let that happen. They come first, always." He looked her in the eyes. "Always."
"Fine." She sighed. "But god help you if they get hurt."
"If they get harmed, I'll deserve everything you do to me." He vowed.
"Good." She said.
"So the next time Lex and Xave come over?"
"I'll avoid bringing you or vampires up altogether." She said. "I just don't want to lose them."
"I know, but they're as protective of me as Ally was. If you keep trying to push me away from them, you'll end up pushing them away."
"This doesn't mean I like you. At all." She said, glaring. "But I'm willing to overlook it. For them."
"For them." Arkyn repeated. He stood up and held his hand out.
"I'm not shaking your hand." She glared. He dropped it.
"Fair enough." He shrugged. "I should get going. Make sure they aren't doing anything that could potentially get them killed."
"What?!" She exclaimed.
"It's a joke." He raised his hands. "Sort of. Too soon?" She just glared at him and he smiled, nodding.
"Now will you leave?" She asked. "There's no reason for you to be here longer than you should."
"Goodbye, Ruby. And thank you. For hearing me out."
"I care about those kids. They're my family, and I will always put them first." Arkyn nodded, and walked out.

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