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  "So you just dump sour milk all over him!" my principal yelled.  Right now Clara, Eric and I were in the principals office being yelled at by Mr.Charles.

"Well I wasn't looking where I was going and it sort of just spilled all over him. Clara said quietly. Mr.Charles turned his face towards Eric.

"Mr. Richard did they do it on purpose?

Clara and I looked at him with pleading eyes. "No sir they did it on accident .Eric stated. "Well Eric you can leave. " Mr.Richards said. Eric left immediately.

"What was the milk for in the first place." he asked. Clara was about to say something but I cut her off ."I -It was for a school project.!" I lied.

"Doing what ?" he asked. "Seeing how long it takes milk to rotten? " I said hoping he'll believe me. He looked at both of us for a minute.

"I'll let you off with a warning, but if you do it again your being suspended.  he said sternly. We left the office nodding then closing the door. 

"I have to go home early today bye!" clara said as she gave me a hug. "Wait why? " I said pulling back.

"Dentist. " she said ."Okay well bye." I said before she took off. "Ill text you later!" she shouted down the hallway.

I rolled my eyes as I went down the hall to class. Ethan was turning a corner and when he saw me; he smiled. I know hes going to want a favor for not selling Clara and I out.

  I turned around and ran as I heard close footsteps behind me.  I started running as fast as I could. I turned a corner into a bathroom. I hope this is the right bathroom. I hid in the stall and put my feet on the toilet when I heard footsteps ;I'm guessing Eric's. Uh oh wrong bathroom, unless he's in the girls bathroom haha.

"Jessica are you in here? " " Jessica?"  Eric said. I heard footsteps leave then stop. "Well I guess since no ones here ill leave. " he said evilly. All of a sudden it went dark and I heard no one, but I knew Eric wouldn't leave me in here alone, Would he ?

I sat all alone in the darkness ; complete darkness. I decided to at least try and get out of here but of course my foot slipped and I fell in the toilet. I cursed myself out as I got out dripping  toilet water. I was so getting Eric for this. I heard laughing and realized Eric was still in here like I thought.  I rushed out of the bathroom stall dying to find Eric. I felt a familiar face against my palm as he was still laughing.

I litteraly pushed Eric out the way and grabbed the wall in search of a light switch . Once I found it after searching for 5 minutes I switched it on. I found Eric smiling and ran to him and engulfed him in a big hug.

"Omg like get off of me !" he said in his girly voice.  I just hugged him tighter letting the toilet water get on his kakhi pants making him look like he just wet his self. Bad day for him.

I hadn't talked to Sarah all day after the accident or better yet she wasn't talking to me. She claims that I could of ruined her chances with Markus if that sour milk got any where on him. 

Appearently they were back together and I know his name would be all Sarah would talk about.  When I got home Sarah was on the couch talking with Markus and they noticed me watching them.

"Hey jess !" Markus said smiling

. "Hi" I said returning a fake smile. "

How have you been still hanging out with Eric?" he asked smirking . I almost fainted. "W -what who's eric?" I asked weirdly.

"You're hanging out with new boy ? " my sister asked me over dramatically.  My sister was popular so she knew everyone new that came to our school immediately. "

Excuse us mark. " Sarah said pulling my arm towards the kitchen.

I turned around and gave Markus a cold hard glare. He laughed in response he knew what he was doing.

"Spill! " she said seriously.

"Spill what?" I asked blankly.

"Don't play games with me now I want to know the boys full name, I have to meet him, find out when you two started dating.. she trailed off. I interrupted her. 

"Wait started dating?, we are not even close to dating were just friends !" I said starting to get a little angry. "

Yeah friends with benifents. She stated nudging me in the elbow.

"But seriously i'll talk to later about this little thing of yours." my sister stated before walking away.

I trudged upstairs thinking about me and Eric dating. No way ,hes too annoying ,too much to handle, plus I know he doesn't feel that way about me. Does he?

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