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"Hello?" Carla asked. "Hey are you still coming?" I asked. "Yes I'm around the corner. "she said. "Are you sure because you could say your right at my front door and I would be waiting for you then you would call me at midnight telling me to go open the door." I said blankly. "That was only one time!" she schreeched. "Sure it was." I said. "Well I'm here see I wasn't playing." she said. "Maybe this time." I mumbled. "What was that?" she asked.  "Nothing Bye." I said hanging up.

"Still making calls?" my mom asked. "Yeah sort of." I smiled. "So who'd you invite?" she asked as she sat down on my bed. Grabbing my list I read it outloud. "Umm Carla, and this girl named Emma who I met." I said. "That all?" she asked. "Yeah mom I mean don't want a big party and Jake,  Amber, Kayla, and Carla, and Emma are gonna be there and that's all I want." I stated. "Ok honey if that's all." she said. "Ok mom bye." I said. "Byeee." she said dragging out the e out the door down the stairs. "Oh hey Carla!"  I heard my mom say.

"Ok so we need to order food,  get deocrations, .." amber trailed off. "Umm what are you talking about?" I asked. "For your party." she said with a clipboard in her hand. "Hey.. guys.." Carla trailed off."Hey Carla." amber said. Carla met amber and my other cousins a few years ago that's how long she's been my best friend so she basically knows my whole family and I know her's. 
"Hey!" Carla said hugging her. After their mini hug Carla came to hug me and put her stuff down by the bed. "So what's up?" Carla asked. "Well someones  trying to turn my 17 birthday into a masquerade ball." I said gesturing to amber. "Wait you don't want a big party Its your 17 birthday!" she said standing up throwing her hands in the air. "Great so you're both lunatics." I said blankly. "We just want you to have a great party." amber said. "I know but Its my party." I said. "You're right. " they said in unison very sadly. "Are you guys trying to guilt me into having this big party?" I asked. "Because if you are I countinued it just might work." I said smiling." Yess!" they yelled. "Lets start planning ladies." Amber said.
"Wait but if this is going to be a big party where are we going to have it?" I asked. "Here. " amber said. I gave amber a questioning look. "I already asked your mom and dad yesterday just in case." she said. "Ok..but also how are we going to invite a lot of people I mean the partys tommorow." I asked. Amber smiled cheekily at us. "You already invite everyone?" I asked. Nodding amber said "Yeah." Taking a deep breath I asked" How many people did you invite?" "You're whole school." she said proudly. "T -that means Eric is coming!" I exclaimed standing up. "Oh right he does go to your school doesn't he?" she smiled. "You mean you did that on purpose?" I asked. "Well obviously. " she stated. Narrowing my eyes at her she slowly back out of the room and said "Ill go get ready to go shopping." then left the room. Sighing I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. "Relax it will be great." Carla said. "Yep tommorow going to be a blast." I muttered sarcastically.

Pulling me off my butt, Amber, Carla, Kayla, Sarah, and I went shopping for a Cake, decorations, drinks, and food.

"We should get coke." amber said.
"No sprite." kayla said.
"Will you two stop arguing?" I asked. "We can get both." I added.
"Where to now that we having drinks and food?" Sarah asked.
"Umm to the mall." amber said getting in line.
"Why?" I asked suspiciously.
"To get you a dress duh!" she said.
Scoffing I asked "Why in the world would I Jessica want a dress?"
"Because it a party." she stated looking at me.
"So everyone else can wear one I'm not." I said.
"You have too!" she said .
"No I don't I mean you're lucky I'm letting you do this ." I said as I walked away. 
"I'm sorry I don't want to control everything you don't have to wear it." she said.
"Thanks you know I love you but I still want to plan my party. " I said hugging her.
"Ready to get back home and set up?" she asked.
"Yeah aafter we finish buying the stuff." I smiled.
"Oh right." she laughed.
Running back to the line we paid for the stuff then went home and set up.

"You know this might not be such a bad party." I said smiling at kayla.
"It wont trust just be cool, relax, and try not to worry about you know who." she smiled.
I nodded.

Maybe Kayla was right . All I had to do was be cool relax and not worry about him. Be cool relax and not worry about him.  Lets just hope that actually works.

Hey guys this next chapter is going to be the last chapter of the story I've decided that I'm not going to write a sequel but I will write like a sum up thing that's going to be between 1 and 3 chapters so yeah.

Bye guys!!!!

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