Let her go or get her back?

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Eric P.O.V

1 day, 1 day that's all its been and I cant seem to get Jessica off of my mind. I'm still really shocked she made us break up or" take a break "or whatever you call it. I want to call her or text her so bad but I don't think she will text me back. Sadly enough I don't know what I did wrong but I did agree with her in my head when she said things haven't been going good between us . I mean first it was her jeaulousy with Emma then my jeaulousy with Daniel. But I guess it could be a good thing also because we like each other so much and were protective I guess. I just miss her, I miss her smile,  her laugh,  her scent, and  just her in general. Wow I'm talking about her like she dead. Maybe I could get her back somehow and I if I wanted to I needed to come up with a plan fast.

Jessica's P.O.V

I woke up to the ringing of my phone. "Hello?" I groggily answered. "Hey Jessica its me Daniel." he said. "Oh hey. " I said. He laughed. "Did I wake you up?"  "Umm ..I don't wanna lie so yeah." I laughed.  "So why did you call?" I asked changing the subject quickly. "Oh right, well I wanted to know if you were busy and if not we could go golfing." he said. "Golfing? " I asked. "Yeah or we could do something else." he said. "No we can go golfing its just that I'm not a big gulf person." I laughed. "Well ill teach you." he said. "Okay awesome." I smiled. "Great what time do I pick you up?" he asked. "What's my address you ask? Well its 102 park drive 75115 ." I said. "Right I do need that. " he laughed. "Yep." I said." "Ill be over in 1 hour." he said. "Kk bye." I said. "Bye." he said before the line went dead.

Climbing out of bed I took a shower, brushed, my teeth etc then got dressed. I decided to go with a black skirt, black converses, a white crop top my white sleeveless  jacket and my black heart necklace. I looked at myself one more time before calling Daniel.

Phone Call:

"Hey I'm outside I was just about to call you." he said. I laughed "Okay I'm coming." I said. "Okay bye." he said. "Bye." I said then hung up. Walking outside he had a beautiful red drop top mercaties. "Omg I love your car!" I said running and getting in it. "Thanks." he winked. I blushed. "You ready?" he asked. "Yeah." I smiled.


"Cool golf place." I said as we entered. "Yep I found it last night." he smiled. I nodded. "You ready for me to beat you?" he asked. "You beat me?, I think its the other way around." I smiled. "Yeah right." he mumbled. "What was that?" I asked putting a hand up to my ear. "Nothing lets go." he said pushing me forward by my shoulders. "Want to make a bet? " he asked me.  "Okay what is it?" I said. "Alright listen closely." he said. I nodded. "If I beat you, you have to do whatever I want. If you win I have to do whatever you want." he said. "Okay how long?" I asked. "Umm 1 hour." he smirked." "Okay deal." I smirked.

After many tries Daniel beat me. "Not fair you probably have been playing golf for years this is my first time." I complained. "You mad bro?" he asked. Even though I was mad that I didn't win I couldn't fight the smile that was coming from my lips. "Here ill show you." he said turning me around with my back against his chest and abs. Putting his arms around me and his hands on the stick he swung the stick and I back and fourth and made it. "Yay!." I cheered. "See that wasn't so hard." he smiled. "Yeah I guess not." I smiled back. Interrupting the comfortable silence I asked him a question. "So what do you want me to do?" I asked. "I don't know yet lets go get a drink." he smiled. " Okay." I said walking with him to the drink area.

Eric's P.O.V

I couldn't believe what I just saw. Jessica, my girlfriend,  out with that thing Daniel. And even worse he put his arms around her and she let him! I was only here for my cousins birthday party. I have to go do something.

Jessica's P.O.V

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around but I wish I hadn't. It was my aunt casie she was really annoying. "Hey sweetheart. " she said. "Auntie!" I yelped.  "I haven't seen you in ages." she said. "I know why are you hers?" she asked. "Just playing some golf with my friend. " I said gesturing to Daniel. "Oh okay, well ill leave you alone." she winked. I neverously laughed while waving bye. "Nice aunt." Daniel said smiling. "Thanks." I mumbled. I turned my attention back to all the other golfers and saw Eric? With a girl? I needed to go do something. "I have to go to the restrooom." I said to Daniel. "Okay." he smiled. Getting up I walked over to Eric instead of the restroom. Tapping his shoulder he turned around. "Hey." I said. "Jessica?" he asked suprised. "Yeah so who was the tramp you were with?" I said mad. "Tramp?" he asked. "Yeah." I said. "My cousin?" he said. "That was your cousin?" I asked. "Yeah." he said and you just called her a tramp." he said. "Sorry. " I said. Not knowing what else to say I muttered a "bye." and started to walk away.

"Wait jess, I miss you I'm sorry for whatever I did can we just get back together ?" he begged. "I miss you to Eric but I don't know yet." I said tears already coming down my face. "Hey don't cry." he said pulling me into his chest. I stayed there for a minute before pulling back. Looking into his eyes I realized I missed him just as much as he missed me but I had to give us some space for now. Coming back to realiztion that we were apart for right now I said. "See you later Eric" and walked away.

Jessica's P.O.V

"Hey you alright?" Daniel asked. "Yeah can we go?" I asked. "Okay." he said. I wiped some tears from my eyes and grabbed my stuff and went back to Daniel. "Are you sure your okay?" he asked. "Yeah." I smiled or tried to. I don't think Daniel believed me but didn't ask any more questions as we were walking to the exit doors. I looked at Eric one last time and he was looking at me. I half smiled with a tear coming down my face and then went out the doors with Daniel.

"Do you want to go to the park?" he asked. "No I'm sorry but can you take me home?" I asked. "Sure." he smiled. As we pulled up to my house I got out the car and to my surprise Daniel did too. Walking with to me my door we stopped in front of it on the mat. "Bye and thanks for taking me out." I said. "Do you miss Eric?" he asked. "What?" I asked surprised by his "out of the blue question". "Jessica I saw you talking to him and the way you guys hugged, do you miss him?" he asked. "I nodded with tears coming down my face." Wiping the tears from my eyes Daniel asked me a question. "Want some advice?" he said. I nodded. "Go talk to him or invite him over." he half smiled.  "Okay." I laughed. "Okay bye." he said walking away. "Daniel?" I asked. "Yeah?" he asked turning around. I ran to him giving me a kiss on the cheek while whispering "thank you " in his ear. "Welcome." he said as he went to his car. Rushing in my house I went to my room and knew what I had to do.


Hey guys hoped you liked the chapter!!!!!

Who do you guys like team Janiel or team Erica?  (Janiel is Daniel and Jessica,  and Erica Eric and Jessica .( just saying.)




Bye guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then and Nowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن