What do i do now?

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Eric's p.o.v

"Why Eric why?" I asked myself as I slammed my car door shut starting up the engine. I didn't want to reply to any calls or messages and just stared at my ceiling feeling really bad for doing this to this poor little Jessica. I needed somewhere I could think..I knew excatly where to go.

Jessica's p.o.v

Right now Jake and I were driving to who knows where but all I could think about was what happened between me and Eric.  But instead of moping around the house like a zombie as Jake put it he said I needed to get some fresh air.

Soon enough we were at the park, yes the park that Eric and I were at when everything was going to change . I was going to have my first kiss, eric couldve been my boyfriend,everything. Too bad that didn't happen.  "Come on jess lets go!" Jake exclaimed. Getting out of the car figuring I had no other choice I made my way towards the swings.

As Jake and I we're talking about our favorite cars we wanted when we grew up this boy made his way towards us. I guess Jake knew him because they did their totally lame handshake. Instead of waiting for them to finish talking I made my way to the swings alone,  I stopped immediately as soon as I saw who sat on the swings going back and fourth slowly. Eric. I made my way towards him not bothering to think about the outcome.

"How ya been, its been a while. " I stated mad. Eric mustve been really surprised because his eyes practically bulged out of his head. "H-hi jessica . Eric said studdering. "So what's been up, why haven't you been answering my calls or texts or voice mails?  I asked taking a step closer to him. "I'm sorry jess Ive just been confused. " Eric said simply. "How do you think I feel !?" I said yelling. Before Eric could say anything else Jake was by my side. "Hey everything okay?" he said to me . "I don't know, is everything okay? " I asked  Eric. "I have to go, I really am sorry jess." Eric said before walking away into the sunlight.

Hey guys I know its been a while and I'm sorry but here's the chapter. What do you thinks going to happen between Jessica and Eric?  Will they stay friends ?




Bye guys ill try to update monday or sooner!!

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