I guess I'm your bitch

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Merry Christmas guys thanks so much for reading you guys are the best and I really do love you guys and love your support. I'm a little glad a took a break from this book cause I now have so many new ideas and can't wait for you guys to see them. By the way Rejected by him is still under construction and I might do some re-write I don't think anything major just enough to make this book make a little more sense don't forget to check out my other book dark times. But anyway here's my gift to you
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Jailens pov

"Your mother killed him" he said there was a chill that moved and gave me goosebumps.

Maybe it was just the cold wind or maybe my instincts. However Titan looked over at me and he took off his jacket

"Here" he put it over my shoulders

"Thanks"I said snuggling and taking in the warmth that was still there lingering.

"So what are your powers exactly" I asked him. He smiled at me and showed me. Holding one of each element on a finger tip.

"I can control the elements."I let out a chuckle

"So your the Avatar." I bursted out into fits of laughter and surprisingly he joined in.

"Hey don't come to me when the world needs saving from the fire nation since you want to make fun of me." The laughing died down.

"It's not just that, I can see memories I can get in your head. That how took away the.." He let out a cough to cover up his uncomfortableness. "memory of us"

"So how does your girlfriend feel about you being a freak like me" I said his face shifted to an unknown expression

"Hey look join the club here" I said. he let out a smile while looking down but then picked up his head again

"We aren't dating anymore" his face said that he was fine but I just couldn't stop my self.

" hallelujah his soul is saved from satin" I threw my hand up

"Oh sorry that was a little insensitive"

"No it's okay your fine I'm fine."

"Why did you guys break up"

"Why do you care" he said playfully

"No reason"

"I wouldn't put out so she found someone who would"

"Wow seriously she broke up with you cause you wouldn't have sex with her?" I asked him.

" yup sucks huh" he let out a sigh I can see his disappointment on his face. He cared about her despite the horrible person she is.

"Wow talk about the roles being reversed" I took a pause while biting my lip. Don't ask jailen, don't ask it is none of your business.

"So why didn't you sleep with her?"I asked it anyway

He let a sigh "I wanted to wait for my mate" my eyes were in shock hell so were my ears. We were werewolves. Yes we have mates but there was also that animal side that craved something else.

"I don't get why she couldn't wait I'm almost eighteen if she had just wait until my birthday I would have known"

"What if it wasn't her? How could you have known?" I asked

"Well my powers give me this ability it actually weird I woke up and there was this-" he was cut off by a very drunk Emily

"Oh my god Jay there is this really cute guy that" she paused and look at the both of us

"I'm sorry my drunk ass ruined a cute moment continue like I'm not here.......I mean like I wasn't......you know what I mean." She stumbled back into the party

"I should go take care of that. It seems like that's our cue to leave"I laughed handing him back his jacket

"You don't have to go"

"Awe what's wrong going to miss me" I teased

"Don't worry, your still my bitch until our party"he smiled at me

"I guess I'm your bitch then"

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