Haunting me while I wake

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Hey guys sorry for the late update for those who don't know I am in college now and I have two. So with that being said it's a little hard to find free time to write but don't worry I have forgotten about you guys. So enjoy

Jailen's Pov

I had left Titan in the tree house,he seemed destroyed. I couldn't look  back at him not after what I just did. I had no choice though. I couldn't even bring myself to be with him. I got back to my room after that and climbed up the window and went down stairs in the kitchen to get something to eat hoping that it would make me feel better, however I know that it won't. I opened the freezer to get ice cream but when I closed it. There was Titan leaning against the counter with a big smile on his face.

"Oh god Titan" I screamed but then covered my mouth realizing that it was late and everyone was sleeping

"What the hell are you doing here you need to leave" I went to touch him but he vanished. What the hell?i ran upstairs and into my room closing the door.

"Right behind you" I heard him say I jump and let out a yelp.

"Wow you are a screamer." He paused and gave me a smirk "good to know" he winked at me

"What the hell are you some sort of weird ghost" I said in shock maybe this is my guilt defiantly my guilt.

"No I'm not a ghost sorta and I'm not your guilt sorta. I'm your punishment"he said with a smile while throwing himself on my bed.how did he know about the guilt part?

"What??" I said and He sat up

"Okay so I'm starting to get the feeling that dear old daddy dearest didn't tell you what happens when you reject someone" I was lost ,completely and totally lost.he took a deep sigh.

"Okay by the blank look on your face I have to tell you. When you reject your mate, you sever part of the bond that isn't suppose to happen. It's unnatural. So as a result of that event. A familiar of the The mate you rejected appears until one of two things happen you take back the rejection and accept me" He paused "well more like Titan or well you end up stuck with me till you die." My face fell. In complete terror.

"Sorry did I say you I meant Titan. I'll be with you til Titan dies."my heart clenched. No stop it you not suppose to care. You rejected him and this is just your guilt nothing more. But I still do of course I mean I should at least care if he does cause that's normal I would be heartless if I didn't.

"So your going to be haunting me?" I asked to him

"Yeah pretty much. So I was wondering do you prefer a side of the bed cause I like the left" he tried to get comfy but I began to panic.

"This can't be happening to me. I thought once I reject you that would be it." I sank to the floor in disbelief

"Asha please help"  I called to my wolf but there was nothing

"Oh don't bother she can't help you. Not that she would anyway" he said. He said as a matter fact.

"What do you mean" I asked

"See for yourself" I closed my eyes and went into deep meditation. I ended up in a white room again but this time Titans ghost was with me.

"There she is" he point in the corner. She had her head down and she said nothing

"Asha!" I yelled and I started to run towards her but it was no use she seemed as though she was still far away.i stopped meditating and I was back in my room. I was angry so I stormed in front of Titans ghost with all my rage this is his fault.

"What did you do" I said through my teeth with my alpha voice.

"No,not me. you" my face relaxed and everything he said sank in he was here because I rejected the real Titan. My wolf won't talk to me because she wants her mate, she wants Titan. This was all my fault.

What have I done?

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