End of the road

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Titans POV

I was beginning to understand now. Jailen needed me to be there for her and I wasn't, I was too wrapped in my own shit that I hadn't even thought of anyone else. I was selfish and because of my stupidity I hurt her and maybe even lost her......

"Still in deep thought there I see" ghost Jailen said eating ice cream next to me.

"Where did you even get that" I said confused at her.

"What? I had a craving for it. Don't judge me." I chuckled because it was something that the real Jailen would say.

"So am I going to do? How do I even Begin to fix this" I asked.

"Hang right there I see have just one or two more things to show you." She said

"Please no more I'm exhausted although I don't really know how. Aren't I some kind of ghost." I asked her confused on how or what I am.

"Not really.that's understandable we have been jumping through time for some time so it's normal for you to feel tired." She said as she finishes her ice cream.

"Fine maybe another time for now I'll send you home" and with that I opened my eyes and I was back in my room. Looking around I was so confused and I had a major headache. There was a knocking at my door, my father poked his head in my room.

"Hey are doing okay I haven't seen much of you today."

"Dad what are you talking about I just say you" I took a pause and took out my phone it's says that it was Sunday.

"It's Sunday? I was unconscious since Friday night?" I asked ,my dad looked at me strange. Ghost Jailen appeared next to me.

"I probably should have warned you" she said I didn't say anything back I just glance over my shoulder quickly giving her a look before I looked back at my dad.

"How are you?" He asked me in gentle tone as he tried not to upset me. He pushed my door open and closed it behind him. He pulled my desk chair next to the bed.

"My mate rejected me cause I'm a stupid asshole, so yeah I'm doing not so great right now" I said with sarcasm.

"You know what I meant" he took a sigh before he continued

"In a week time you won't have to go to school anymore you graduating early." I looked at him shocked

"Wait what" I said as I sat up

"Hang on let me finish what I was going to say" he said back to me

"Sorry continue"

"In a week you and four other will undergo intense training to get you guys ready to help lead this pack. There is the the beta, the omega, the delta, and the gamma."

"Dad excluding me that's only three" he looked down then he looked back up at me.

"The future alpha of course will be there" he said I felt my eyes widened

"I know, I know trust me I had a feeling this news wouldn't be easy for you. these training are going to teach you all to think as a group,work as a group, and plan as a group. You guys are the future of this pack and time is somewhat running out there is something that's coming. Our Luna Mackenzie has been having dreams of a threat coming. Jailen was the first to start to have these dream but we all thought because of" he stopped and made an uncomfortable cough "the situation with you and her, it was causing these dreams but as time went on our Luna has been having as well" he finished

"So what's going to happen now?"

"You will train and once you all are ready you need to identify this new threat and stop it." He got up and was ready to walk out of my room.

"Dad?" He stopped at my door and looked back at me

"What if I can't do it, I mean what if we can work as a team? I don't know how we are going to put our feelings aside." I said to believing my own words. How was I suppose to do this.

"If the threat is as serious as Mackenzie thinks it's going to be"he too a sigh

"You guys can't pull together for this pack then we are all doomed" and with that he left my room but his words stayed in my thoughts

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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