Ghost of past,present and future

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Titan's Pov

The walk back to my house has never felt so long. With every step my heart a broke a little bit more. Rejected. What am I going to to now?

I walk back to my house and walk upstairs to my room. She doesn't want me. I kept saying it over and over and over. Could I blame her though? I wouldn't want me either. I changed into sweatpants and laid down until sleep consumed me.

I opened my eyes and I saw Jailen in the corner of my room.

"Jailen What are you doing here?" I asked but she didn't say anything she just got up and walked over to my bed. She climbed onto of me and held my face face.

"What are you..." I began to say

"Ssshhh just relax"she said she began to kiss me deeply and I gave in. I gave in so quick cause I didn't care. She was here, on my lap kissing me and that's all that matter. But the kiss that started off passionate became hungry and needy. She pulled away and ripped my shirt off of me. I did the same to her, revealing her black lace bra. I let out a low growl. then I grabbed her face and began leaving a trail of kisses down her neck till I got to her breasts. She through her head back in satisfaction and let out a small moan, bitting her lip trying to hold back. I gripped her tighter. She grabbed both of my hands and pin them above my head I watch her as she retracted her canine teeth and she bit down on my neck were our mark would be....

This time I jumped out of my sleep hard. I was sweating and breathing heavy. I looked down and noticed I was hard.

"Oh shit" I cursed under my breath. Great just great. I got up and went into the bathroom not wanting to take this very cold shower but I had to if I wanted to get rid of my arousal. I walked out of my bathroom this time only to see Jailen sitting on my bed. Oh god I'm still dreaming aren't I?

"No not this time. Your actually very awake."

"What are you doing here Jailen" I asked

"Well I'm not exactly Jailen. I go by many names but that's not important, just know that I'm your punishment" she said. So she's not Jailen she just looks like her

"Exactly I just look like her, that's kinda the whole point." She said giving me a smile. How does she know what I'm thinking

" punishment for what exactly" I asked but I already knew deep down.

"Well Jailen severed the mate bond in a unnatural way, but so did you. By announcing that you love do another woman, you begin the fracture in the mate bond that caused it to break, so although it's not normal for the rejected to get this punishment. Well you kinda deserve it." She said shrugging her shoulder and getting up and walking around the room.

"Gee thanks so much" I said to her as I get dressed

"What? no questions?no freaking?nothing." She asked

"I woke up one day with powers and my mate is half wolf half goddess. Let's just say nothing really freaks me out plus it's like you said I deserve this." She was right about everything. This was punishment, looking at her was like Jailen. My heart still beats fast. I still had the urge to hold her and beg for her forgiveness but this Jailen wasn't real and that's what hurt the most.

She look at me cutely while pouting "awe don't try and take the fun out of this plus we haven't even gone to the best part." I looked at her with a curious look on my face

"What's the best part?" I asked

"Memory lane" she said with a smirk. she got up and walked in front of me and flicked me on my forehead. And I passed out.

When I woke up, I was on a play ground with a big headache. I looked around and saw it was a warm sunny day and kids were laughing and playing.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked my self

"First day of kindergarten." Jailen's ghost appeared in front of me. She reached out her hand to help me up and I took it I looked around taking in my surroundings. Okay this is weird.

There was a big black suv that pulled up to the school. our moms got out and helped little us out.Jalien was holding the bear I gave her close.I can see the fear on her face that she seemed to be trying to hide.

"Can we be seen?" I asked the ghost Jailen

"Nope,just don't touch them no matter what." She said so I got closer to hear what was being said.

"Okay stick together and play nice with the kids please" my mom said to us.

"Okay mommy I promise." I gave my mom a big smile and hug, and Jailen did the same with her mom we began to walk to the class room. Little me looked at little Jailen and grabbed her hand and held it.

"It's okay Jailen." He said to her

"I want to go home." She said in a low voice she held his hand tight

"Don't worry it's going to be fun." I said we walked into the class room and everyone was still putting there things away in a cubby,when the teacher came up to Jailen.

"Jailen honey you need to put away the bear. We can bring him out during play time but right now we need to learn" Jailen only held the bear tighter.

" it's okay Jailen you don't need him as long as I'm here okay?" She nodded her little head at little Titan and got up and put the bear in her cubby.

"Little Titan always looked after her. He took care of her. He would never let anything happen to her." She said looking at them like I was.

"Yeah he wouldn't." I said looking at them,but then in a flash the class room was empty and dark and freezing. I looked a ghost Jailen who's face had changed to a dark expression and she was wearing the dress that she wore at the party but it was dirty and her makeup was running.

"So then tell me Titan what changed huh. What caused you to do this to me. To us. Why Titan, why?!" She sounded like a demon and with step she took I moved back til I was backed in a corner I closed my eyes and when they opened she was gone, and the room was just as dark empty and freezing as it was before.

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