Permanent Guests

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Professor Michaelis. 

"Oh! Good evening, professor," Leela politely said. The prefects followed her example. 

"Ah, good evening to you all as well. Now, listen. I have some news." Professor Michaelis gave a mysterious smile. 

"What is it?" Lawrence asked. If he were sitting, he would've fallen off from curiosity. 

"You girls won't be leaving any time soon," Professor Michaelis said. "The headmaster and headmistress have decided to combine schools. The program was so successful, they've decided both schools can benefit from each other's skills and techniques with teaching. There was a significant change in behavior. The students were improving in their studies, as well." Professor Michaelis flashed one last smile before suddenly disappearing from the room. 

"We ..." Ignasia froze for a moment and let a small smile grow on her face. 

"We aren't leaving!" Angelica nearly squealed. The guys smiled brightly and watched Angelica engulf Ignasia and Leela completely. Lawrence laughed at Leela's slightly uncomfortable expression. 

"Where's Gamora? I need to tell her right now," Angelica shouted. 

"Wait, why don't we just-" Leela started, only to find Angelica and Edgar running out the door and nearly flying down the staircase. 

"Well ..." Ignasia chuckled. She looked at Leela and Lawrence, then at Gregory. "Gregory, would you like to take a walk with me?" Ignasia asked. Gregory smiled, and soon, Leela and Lawrence were the only ones in the room. 

"Lawrence," Leela smiled. She laughed happily and hugged him. Lawrence grinned and hugged her back tightly. 

"I'm so happy, Leela. You won't have to leave, we can stay together." Lawrence couldn't stop smiling, his eyes shut tightly from joy. 

Lawrence moved back to take a good look at Leela, his wife to be. 

"I guess we're permanent guests." 

Perfect Matches - A Black Butler (Weston College) Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now