Chapter 9 Not Alone

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"Look here boy, do you see her?" A kind voice spike amidst the small family within the nursery. A man smiled down keeping a firm hand on his son's shoulder while the other held the crib.
"That's your little sister."

The boy stood on his toes, only 3 years old, to peek at the new born who slept peacefully within the crib clutching a golden bear in her arms. Slowly he turned to look at his father smiling at him.

"Really?" Was all he could say as his father nodded with a warm smile.

"And soon we'll be moving, and daddy will run a restaurant you can play in with your sister." Though the father explained his plans, though the little boy at the time didn't quite grasp them. Instead he turned his attention back to the sleeping baby smiling at his sister eagerly before the memory was whisked away into another.

Time trudged forward, and now the boy was older. Slowly creeping into the back room curious about what laid inside. Just wanting one little peek. There was something inside that peaked his curiosity, something he knew had to be wonderful. As wonderful as his fathers other creations. But his father had always kept him out, making sure that the little boy was kept away from the work shop. The only explanation he had gotten from his father was simply put as; safety reasons. But why? Was it that dangerous?

The boy had just gotten the door to parts and service's creaked open, taking a peek inside seeing glowing eyes in the darkness. (Red eyes.) but his plans had been foiled.

"You are out of bounds." The familiar robotic voice warned. The boy looked up seeing a slinky looking puppet animatronic staring down at him. With a permanently painted smile, and purple tears running down its face. At the time with a big funny jester hat that jingled with the animatronic tilted it's head. (The only animatronic that could actually free roam on its own. Held up by the ceiling strings, which were made of metal, and zoomed around to keep any child safe that wore a wrist band.)

Disappointed the boy just sighed, he had been caught and had no choice but to returned back to the party room with the puppet. Observing his sister from afar as she laughed playing with his father's business partner's daughter.

"Come on!" The other little girl shouted to his sister the two clutching their stuffed animals as they ran whilst the adults talked behind them.

The boy returned back to his father, who was still in the suit he made though the head was off, speaking with his business partner.

But when he got closer, the memory changed once again time continuing its march forward, shifting the images inside to a bad moment in time. Moments before disaster.

Rain pounded against the ground outside, a reflection of what the boy felt as he stared inside at the other children roaming around having a birthday party of sorts. He wasn't sad because he couldn't be there, his wrist supported the band given to the children allowed inside, it was what he had seen before then.

"I want to see her." The boy recalled his father's business partner's daughter saying. Looking up at the animatronic that his father refused to let him see. (A secret project between both men to open up another location as they had just opened up Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria to expand Fredbear's Family Diner.)

"Charlie no-" his father had said shooing her away, but he was too absorbed in his work. His partner was gone, presumably to the store for some parts. That's when the disaster happened. When everything fell.

Charlie got closer to the animatronic, who's endoskeleton was still bare. Her painted rosy cheeks and curly red hair and bonnet made her look like a giant doll. (Ella he vaguely remembered his father call the new addition.)

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