♡Elvis's Hairstyles♡

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Elvis presley's legendary and signature Hairstyles...♡

Bursting onto the scene in the early 1950s, Elvis was famous for more than just his singing. Over the course of many years Elvis boasted a myriad of Hairstyles that would define the style of the season. Elvis had an edge that was undeniable. Everybody was talking about him good or bad.

His hair, of course, was a prominent elements of Elvis's appearance.  Over the years, he had many different hairstyles and used many different hair products.

Elvis wasn't afraid of colour, hair gel, hair spray or what anyone else thought of his hair; it was a defining part of who he was and he choose to embrace it. Elvis wasn't afraid to try anything new.

what's your favourite Hairstyle of Elvis's?♡

Let me know what you think!! xoxo

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