Chapter 10

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Jhene Aiko Efuru Chilombo:

I glared at Krissy as Chris and I entered her dorm room, "Hey bitch, hey chris." She said greeting us.

"Mhm." I say

"Wassup Krissy." Chris replied sitting on the couch.

"Hey sexy, girl I need a shopping spree-"

"Bitch you? I been wearing the same shoes for a couple months now, a-"

"Here." Chris said I looked over at him counting out the many hundreds he had in his pocket. I raised an eyebrow, I looked at Krissy who's eyes were wide.

"Bitch..." She said in an amazed voice. "Issa husband." She mumbled in amazement, Chris stood up holding out the money for me to grab.

"No." I said pushing his hand away.

"Alright bruh." He said, I rolled my eyes.

"Shoulda known better."

"You just gonna sit there and not take $2000?" He asked

"Shit I'll take it." Krissy said

"No sit ya ass down." Chris pushed her away from him and she plopped down on the couch.

"Hate you." She grumbled.

Dom 🌏💍: Damn Jhene why I gotta blow your phone up, I just want my baby back. (4:27 PM)

Dom🌏💍: Promise if you just see me I won't be sexual and I'll try not to flirt too much. (4:30 PM)

Krissy's dorm room. (4:32 PM)

Dom🌏💍: On my way 😍 (4:35 PM)

"Dom is on his way, he wants to talk."

"Fuck him." Krissy rolled her eyes.

"Aye that's her husband don't make her kick your ass." Chris spoke sarcastically

"Fuck the both of you-"

"See!" Chris pointed out, I pouted and he sighed. "Don't pout lil ma come here." 

"No because Chris..." I say keeping my pout as I sat next to him and he pulled me into a hug kissing my forehead.

"Ain't no, no." He said I just looked up at him keeping lip poked out. "You're adorable." He smiled and I blushed snuggling my face in his neck. "You always hiding."

"You guys are so cute." Krissy commented. "Now get married."

"No never." Chris chuckled and my heart for some reason dropped, I ain't like that.

"What why?" Krissy asked

"I'm a nigga running the streets, can't have her caught up in all that shit." Chris replied

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