Chapter 22

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Christopher Maurice Brown:

"Wassup I'm Chris." I said shaking Velez hand.

"You taking over the New York branch for Nipsey, huh?" He asked skeptical as he shook my hand.

I nodded, "Look I know you and Uncle Nip had y'all problems in the past but you really wanna do business with Puffy over us?" I asked as I took a seat across from him. Artist stood by the door gun in his hand next to 2 Mexicans.

"Why do you want the cartel to not do business with Puffy? He pays me good money." He replied with a chuckle. "You kinda young to be running something don't ya think?" He asked

"I think I can pay you 3 times what he pays you." I shrugged leaning back in the seat. His smile dropped and I could tell he was ready to talk business now. I picked the duffel bag up from the floor and sat it on his desk. "I want 4 times more than what you give him and you gone always get paid, I'll be running New York real soon and I wanted to give you the opportunity to be the first to get at ya boy. We talking money I got it, a lot more of it than Puffy and that's a guarantee."

"I like the way you do business." He smirked opening the duffel bag counting out the couple million I dropped on his desk. "With you bringing in this kind of business it makes you my top buyer I have to make sure you're safe I give you men, 12 of my best men will run with your crew just to make sure you and your family is safe. This is gonna get dangerous for the both of us, especially once I cut Puffy's supply off."

"You scratch my back I scratch yours." I held my hand out and this time he shook my hand like he meant it.

"Deal." He replied, I got up and Artist looked back and forth between the two Mexican guards before opening the door letting me out first. We pulled our hoods over our heads as we crossed the street.

"You sure this gone work Chris?" He asked as we got into the rental we got earlier today. We decided it would be smarter to do business with rentals so nobody knew what we were driving in our everyday lives.

"I know it'll work, I paid all of his distributors to cut him off, he not gone be able to sell shit. They all want to add security and they want me to stay around." I replied and he nodded pulling off quickly. "Velez and Rickey already got static, I think Velez will take Rickey out, and because the white boys cool with the Italians Angelo will come after Velez, I believe Velez would kill off the Italians too, leaving the Columbians, and the Asians."

"So there would still be Velez, Santiago, and Aiguo." He replied

"More than likely Santiago and Velez will team up, and Aiguo will come to me looking for a partnership but so will Velez and Santiago, that'll make Aiguo attack Velez and Santiago and I don't know who may win that one, them Asians some bat shit crazy people but they smart." I say nodding my head to the soft music that was playing in the car.

"Then it'll be us, and one other gang we automatically got New York completely if we kill them off, and keep their 12 guys as well because shit they'll need a new home anyways." He said smiling nodding his head in approval.

"Then we can take our asses back to the Hills and Nipsey can keep it on lockdown with no interruptions this time.

He pulled in front of the familiar house, we pulled out hoods back over our heads before we got out the car. We walked up the walkway and Artist knocked on the door as I looked around to make sure we were not being pursued.

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