Chapter 18

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Christopher Maurice Brown:

I couldn't get Jhene out of my mind, my attachment to her was strong. It was bringing out a side of me, she was addicting and crazy. I be mad about the crazy shit she do, but then she suck a nigga dick so good it be worth it. I pulled into the parking lot of her school, I saw her talking to 2 niggas. She was laughing and flipping her hair, my jaw clenched and I got out the car slamming the door. I walked across the field approaching them, I punched the first dude in the face and tackled the taller framed dude onto the ground punching him in his face repeatedly until the other dude tackled me.

He got on top of me and I blocked his punches reversing us and began to punch him in his face repeatedly. I got off of him and kicked him in his stomach over and over until Krissy came and pushed me back.

"Bitch why you sitting there with a smile on your face!" Krissy shouted at Jhene, Krissy kneeled down checking on dude and I looked at Jhene. She motioned for me to follow her, and as soon as I looked into her eyes I fell to her feet. I followed her into the school, we walked down the hall until we reached faculty bathroom.

She grabbed my hand opening the door pulling me in behind her. She closed and locked the door, "You asked me to come get you! And you over there flirting with some niggas?! Jhene I will kill them niggas and fuck you up!" I shouted in her face getting angry again.

"You jealous baby?" She asked with a smile on her face. "It was a turn on watching you get mad because they were flirting." She was so crazy why the fuck was she so crazy?

"Why you so crazy?" I asked

"If I'm crazy then so are you daddy, you nearly killed him because he was talking to me." She smirked and she was right something came over me.

"You belong to me, you hear me?" I gritted she didn't even flinch when I punched the door she was leaning against. She grabbed me by my shirt pulling me close to her.

She looked at my lips before her eyes traveled up to mine, "I forgot how much I belonged to you, remind me daddy.." she spoke seductively.

"I love you." I grabbed her face, as our lips connected I felt that feeling again. That feeling in my heart that made me crazy about her. That feeling in my stomach that made me feel like this was right. I felt like she was the only person I could ever be this deep in love with.

"Mmm I love you too." She spoke in between the kiss, her head tilted to the side giving me more access to her lips, the grip she had on my shirt, the way she kept pulling me as close as she could to her I knew she wanted it bad.

I melted, she was captivating I did whatever she said. Going back to school, being on time, I couldn't help it.  I told Brit I would never lie to her and I've kept my word up until, she told me not to tell her and for some reason I listen.

We leave to go to New York in 3 days, and as much as I didn't wanna leave Slauson Hills I couldn't wait either. I could take her out and we could do the unthinkable anywhere because nobody knew us out there.


"Aye Chris let me talk to you." Artist said once I care downstairs. How did this nigga get in my house? I looked upstairs because Jhene was naked and ready for another round she was just thirsty.

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