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I'm Nevaeh and I'm seventeen.

I live with my brother Andy. In case your wondering, Andy is the famous Andy Biersack,lead singer of Black Veil Brides. I'm stuck going on tour with them a lot and believe me after seeing most of the boys naked including Andy you wouldn't want to keep going on tour with them.

When I go on tour with them I get transfered to a lot of different schools. I've gone to at least fifteen different schools in I can't remember how many different states.

Andy and I both agreed that I would go live in Cincinnati, Ohio. After all it was our home town. I'd live in our house that our parents used to live in.

At Walnut Hills High School I'm a not...I mean I don't blend in with the popular crowd. I don't want to blend in. To me popularity is too much drama. So at school I'm a nerd. I get straight A's and at home I'm someone else.

At home I'm no nerd...I'm a Punk Chick. Being a nerd is just so I won't get recognized and at home I can be me....There's no one to boss me around. I can blast my music as loud as I want and no one gives a shit!

But when my best friend meets my crush and they compete to see who gets me I have to make a hard decision. 

I think Im in Love with my BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now