Nevaeh Vs. The Boys

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"What. The. Fuck...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE CLIFFORD!" Luke yelled at Michael as soon as he saw him. His face getting angrier by each second he looked at him.

Michael face got all pissed really fast.

"MORE LIKE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE HEMMINGS OR SHOULD I CALL YOU HEMROIDS!" Michael raised a fist and started charging toward Luke.

I jumped in front of Michael and grabbed his fist.

"Michael, Luke...what the hell is going on!" I yelled at them..Now I'm starting to get fucking pissed.

Michael tried to push past me and tried to get his fist out of my hand but I wouldn't let go.

They both starred at me like I didn't know what happened between them. First off I never knew that they knew each other... And second I have no idea WHAT IS going on between them.

"Some one better answer me...Now!" I yelled.

"Stay out it Nevaeh.." Michael said as he tried to get his fist out of my hand but I didn't let go.

"No I won't..."

"Yes you will and let go!" Michael yelled.

I still had a strong grip. "No I won't! Michael now for FUCK SAKE leave him alone!" I squeezed Michaels fist and in one quick move I was behind Michael. His fist was almost touching his head behind his back.

"FUCK NEVAEH THAT HURTS! LET GO!" He yelled in pain.

"Not till you tell me what's going on!"

He didn't reply. So I pushed down harder. Michael face got tighter and grew more red in pain.

"Are you going to tell me? Or do I have to stay like this?" I asked him as I let my anger out.

"Fine I'll tell you...god damn it!"

I released my grip and stood by Luke. He looked at me pleased.

"Where the fuck did you learn that from?" He asked me his face all shocked.

"Put it this way...When you spend three years touring with your brother and his band members and they play fight with you. You have to learn to defend your self when they are drunk and trying to attack you!" I say.

Michael and Luke sat down on each end of the couch. I stood in front of them ready to pop someone in the head if they didn't listen.

"Now will someone please tell me what's going on between you two?"

Luke and Michael looked at each other than at me,then back each other and then looked at their feet.

"This is the last time I'm going to ask or both of your asses will be out that door with a couple broken bones in a heart beat." I was starting to get pissed again.

They looked at me and sighed. Michael face turned pink and if looked Luke he was trying to hold back tears.

"Luke and I hate each other. We have since we were in We were in Middle school." Michael started to say but Luke cut him off.

"It started in 8th grade. When I went out with his cousin Dana."

When Luke said Dana I saw Michaels face. He was red and had tears rolling down his face. I went and sat next to him.

"Luke dated Dana for three months. Then they got in a fight about something. And Dana ran out of his house crying.... She..." Michael couldn't finish what he was saying. He was to hurt.

"She got hit by a car," Luke began. "Michael was there. He was coming over to my house to see Dana and I."

>Michaels POV ~Day Dana got hit~

I can't wait to see Dana. It been a couple weeks. I miss my cousin after all we have been close since we were two.

I just passed Harold St. and I saw Dana run out from Luke's house. She looked like she was crying. In all my years of knowing her I had never seen her cry. She was running into the street without looking.

Dana just stopped in the middle of the street. That's when I saw it coming. A car was speeding down the street towards Dana.

"Dana! Watch out!" I yelled as I starting bolting towards her.

She must have heard me because she looked in my direction and then jerked her head in the distance of the speeding car. She froze where she was she couldn't move.

I ran as fast as I could to hopefully push Dana out of the way.

I was only a few feet from her when the car bolted faster and honked its horn. Dana covered her ears. She couldn't around loud noises. She was still frozen. The car hit her in an instant and I couldn't even say how she got hit. Before the car hit her I stopped in my tracks and covered my eyes.

The guy got of his car and ran over by Dana. I didn't want him by her so I ran and pushed him out of the way.

"LEAVE MY COUSIN ALONE!" I screamed at the man and he stood up. "GET OUT OF HERE!"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." he said before he hopped back in his car and drove off.

I ran to her and cradled her head in my arms. Danas nose was bleeding and her leg looks like it had broke. I put my head to her heart I don't hear a heartbeat.

I panicked. I grabbed out my phone and called 911. I stared over at Luke's house. He was peeking out the door. There wear tears rolling down his face then he came running by us.

I cradled Dana even harder. I felt the tears come rolling down my face and I tried CPR. But it didn't work.

"Michael I'm so sorry!" Luke said.

"Go the Fuck away! Leave us alone." I screamed as the tears fell down my face.

The ambulance came and the paramedics grabbed Dana out of my arms. They tried to shock her back to life but she was dead. Dana is dead!

~later that day~

I resided to go to Luke's house to give him a piece of my mind.

"What the fuck Hemriods! Why did you do that to Dana?" I stormed right through his door to find him making out on the couch with Hailey Toms the hotest girl in Wien Chester High.

I explained to Hailey what happened to Dana and she left.

I can't even explain what happened to Luke but put it this way he was in the hospital for three weeks.

~Back to present Nevaeh's POV~

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"So you're telling me Dana died because of Luke?"

"Yea. I don't want the same thing to happen to you Nevaeh. I can't loose you not like how I lost Dana." Michael explained tears were still coming down his face.

I had to know if Luke was going to cheat on me.

"Luke give me your phone!"


"Just give me your fucking phone or I'm going to break your neck."

Luke looked at me and he hesitated. He took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me.

I typed in his password and went to his text messages and I couldn't believe what I saw!

I think Im in Love with my BestfriendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant