Chapter 13

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"Happy Birthday Nevaeh!" I woke up to Michael saying Happy Birthday. I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Here's your Super Special Birthday Breakfast for a Super Amazing Girl." Michael said as he placed a tray in front of me. The tray consisted of Eggs,Pancakes shaped like Micky mouse with to berry eyes and a maple syrup smile,Bacon and Orange juice.

"Michael...You didn't have to do this for me." I looked up at him.

"Yes I did. If I didn't I would have felt bad." He leaned over and kissed my lips.

"Why Micky Mouse shipped pancakes?"

"Remember My mom always used to make them for us whenever you slept over. You always had her put two raspberry eyes,a blueberry nose and a maple syrup smile. So I thought I'd make you a couple for old times sake." Michael explained. I smiled and kissed him again.

He sat down by me as I ate my  breakfast. Michael turned on the TV and put on his recorded shows of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"Remember this show. We always used to dress up as Mikey and Donny and run around town pretending to save stuff." He looked at me and smiled. "I remember that time you were dressed up as Donny and your mom had asked why all the frosting on the pop tarts were missing and you said "I'M THE ONE WHO LICKS THE FROSTING OFF THE POP TARTS EVERY MORNING AND PUTS THEM BACK IN THE BOX!"

I almost chocked my my piece of pancake.

After I finished eating Michael took my stuff downstairs and Juliet knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I said loud enough for her to hear.

"Happy Birthday Nevaeh," Juliet looked at me and smiled. God this morning she was to perky. "Here. Its a little gift from me. I hope you will wear it."

She held out a present to me. I took it and opened it. It was the most stunning blue dress I ever saw. It was a strapless,middle thigh low sky blue dress. It had a patter of pink sequence. There was also a pink flower blue studded headband in the box too. I set the box down and hugged Juliet.

"Thank you but you didn't need to get me this."

"Yes I did. You are like my lil sister and after all it is you're 18th birthday and you only turn 18 once."

Juliet said.

"How much did it cost?"

"It was $97 but your worth it."

She said as she hugged me again.

97 dollars. Wow.

"Come one try it on!" Juliet said.

I put the dress on. Juliet helped my zip it up. She curled my long purple hair and put on my headband. I grabbed my ankle high sky blue converse to match my dress.

"You look amazing!" Juliet said.

I twirled around in the mirror admiring how the dress fit.

"Thank you Juliet. Its amazing."

"Its a one of a kind dress for a one of a kind girl." She smiled at me."Let's go downstairs Andy has a surprise for you."

Juliet walked down the stairs and I followed behind her. At the bottom of the stairs was Michael and Andy. When they saw me Andy smiled and Michael jaw dropped.

"You look pretty." Michael said as he twirled me around.

"Its hard to believe 18 years ago today June 23 you were born. I cried when I held you. I always wanted a sister and I got an amazingly smart beautiful sister." Andy said as tears started coming out of his eyes.

I walked over and wiped away the years and hugged him and whispered "Thank you" in his ear.

"Okay Nevaeh I have a surprise for you. Well the band and I do. Close your eyes." Andy said.

I closed my eyes and Andy put his hands over my eyes and lead me out to the drive way.

"Surprise!" He said as he took his hands off my eyes and I was really shocked.

"Wow..." I looked at the amazing black and sky blue  flamed  convertible with the Band sitting in it.

"I know right. Its awesome right!" Ashley said as he hopped out the car. The rest of the band members hopped out of the car and I ran and hugged them.

"You guys didn't have too get me this." I said muffle in hugs by them.

"Yea we did. We love you and do you know how much money we have?" Jinxx said.

I sat in my new car. It had black leather seats. The car was one of those street racing cars. It had three sets of turbo boost and CD,Radio and Casey player. It was an amazing car.

"Okay now my gift!" Andy said.

"Nevaeh...I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm moving in with Juliet. I decided you're old enough now to live on your own and you're responsible." Andy said.

"Was Andy!" I ran up and hugged him.

Wait is the house payed off?

"Andy we own the house right?" I asked.

"No you own the house now." He said as he handed me the house keys. I gave him on in case if he ever needed to come over for any important reason or he just wanted to be nosey.

~Later that night~

Andy had packed and moved all his stuff out so now the house looked half empty.

After Andy left I put on my pajamas I got from Michael. They are Donny From Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He is my favorite after all.

I sat down on the couch and rec likened back. Michael joined me and he cuddled me.

"I hope you know last night me and Luke made up. He said he was truly sorry and I told him if he ever tried to touch you or tried to steal you from me I was sending Andy after him." Michael said as he booked down at me.

"Okay." I looked back up at him and kissed him on the lips.

After a short while Michael and I both fell asleep. It was the best sleep I had in days.

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