Chapter 17

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(A/N:Nevaeh and Andy had fun on his birthday. After Andy opened the rest of the gifts under the tree Andy went out with BVB to the bar.)

~Two Months Later Nevaeh is 9 months Pregnant February 13th 10:30 PM.~

I woke up with sharp pains in my stomach. I peered at my alarm clock it said 10:30 PM. The pains went away for a couple minutes than came back again. I think that maybe if I drink some milk maybe the pains will go away. I tried to get up but as soon as I did I had one long sharp pain. I felt down between my legs and I felt water. I panicked.

"Michael wake up!" I shocks him.

He sat up and looked at me concerned. "Babe what's wrong!"

I shot him a couple glances. The pain came back again this time it hurt worse. I scrinced up my face and yelled. "It...Its..Michael its time!" I screamed again.

Michael panicked. He got up three on some pants and a shirt and grabbed the babies first outfits and shoved them in his jacket. He helped me up. I put on pants and my moccasins and Michael grabbed my hands and helped me down the stairs. We got into his car and Michael drove to the hospital. On the way he called Andy,the rest of 5sos and his mom.

When we got to the hospital Michael helped me get into a wheelchair and a nurse rolled me into the maternity part of the hospital. I screamed again. Michael helped me get into a gown and helped me on the bed. The nurses rushed in and put IV's into my arms. The nurse put morphine bag on a stand and put the needle into my right arm.

In 15 minutes the morphine helped with the pain. I looked at the clock on the wall. It read 11:15.

"Michael when will Andy be here?"

I asked as I took little breaths to calm down as I squeezed his hand.

"Andy said he will be here by Midnight because he had to do something then he was going to go get Juliet from her job. Luke,Calum and Ashton said they will be here by 11:30 and My mom should be here any minute." Michael said as he held his hand up to his head.

"How long before..." Michael got cut off by his mom walking through the door. She came over and hugged him and me.

"Are you okay Honey?" Karen asked me.

"Yes since they put me on the morphine I've been a lot better."

Karen sat down in the chair by Michael.

"As I was saying how long till they said the babies will be born?" Michael asked.

"They said between Midnight and 3:30 tomorrow. But they don't know how long each baby will wait to come out."

Michael looked at me and mumbled

some words. Karen shot Michael a glance.

"Michael Gordon Clifford! You know I hate it when you mumble. Speak up." She yelled at him. I giggled a little bit. I found it funny when she was mad because she had that vein that popped out of her forehead.

Around Midnight Andy and Juliet got there. At 1:15 the boys got to the hospital.

I peered at the clock again. it read 1:33.All of a sudden a sharp pain raced across my stomach. I felt like I had to push. It was only Luke Calum and Ashton in the room. Michael wanted some one with me at all times while I was here.

I think Im in Love with my BestfriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon