Hospitals and Brothers

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Am I dead? I cry. Its dark...I hear Luke say something. Then I wake up to Luke's worried face.

"Oh my God! Nevaeh you're awake." Luke said with scared,panicked eyes.

"Go away Luke. I don't want to talk to you." I turn my head so he can't see the tears rolling down my face. He hurt me so bad. I couldn't look at him.

"Nevaeh,look at me please..." Tears filling Luke's eyes. I refused to look at him.

"Luke, you hurt me really bad?" I cry tears filling my eyes.

"I know...I'm sorry...When I watched that car come out of no where and hit you. I...I thought I lost you forever. I don't want to loose you... I love you."

I got a chill that went through me. When Luke said what he did.

"Well maybe Luke...You should've thought about that before I got hit.

My head is in excrushioting pain,I think I have a couple broken ribs and I broke my leg.

Luke stared at me with sad filled eyes. Tears  slowly started to role down his face.

In an instant the door burst open and Andy comes rushing into the room.

"You!" Andy points at Luke. "YOU LITTLE FUCKING BASTARD!"

Luke stands up from beside me and backs against the wall. Andy charges toward Luke.

"You Fucking Cunt! How dare you...inter fear with my little sisters life then let her get hit by a FUCKING CAR! You're a worthless piece of shit you Fucking Bastard!" Andy yelled all pissed. He grabs fist fulls of  Luke's shirt and lifts him off the ground.

Andy pins Luke up agonist the wall. Luke's shirt is still in Andy's hand. Andy raised a fist at Luke.

"No... Andy! Stop Don't Hurt Him!" I yell my chest in so much pain.

Andy ignores what I said. My heart beats so fast that its hard to breathe.

Andy staring at Luke in anger, fist still raised. Luke is scared shirtless. His blue eyes are now green,a light green. Luke was gonna take the hit. This was his way to show me he was truly sorry. He'd take a hit for me...This was his way to show me...To show me he really loves me.

Ashley and the rest of Black Veil Brides comes bursting though the door. Ashley's eyes meet mine, it was a long stare but he knew what I was feeling.

"Andy...Let the kid go!" Ashley says trying to lower Andy's fist. But he wouldn't budge.

"No Ashley...I won't! He hurt Nevaeh..He drove her to the hospital!" Andy said his eyes filling with tears. Still with a strong grip on Luke.

"Andy...come on don't hurt the kid he's innocent." Ashley said trying really hard to calm Andy down.

Andy's grip on Luke became looser. Jake and CC took place behind Andy gentaly pulling him away from poor scared Luke. Luke dropped to the ground in shock.

Andy starred at Luke, his eyes filled with hurt and anger.

"You're Lucky, Kid!" Andy said with an anger filled voice as he stormed out of the hospital bedroom.

"You okay kid?" Jake asked Luke.

Luke nods.

"Nevaeh, are you okay?" Ashley asked.

"Well do I look okay...My leg is in a cast, I have 2 ribs and an excrusiating headache.Do you think I'm okay?? And Ashley how did Andy know I was in the hospital?"

"Nevaeh...He's your big brother. He has to know everything since your parents arn't hear anymore. But whatever he does to you its because he loves you and he doesn't want you to make the mistakes he made as a teenager. He only does this because he loves you."

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