Shocking Truth and Car Crashes

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"Truth is... I like the kiss. I like the flirting. And I like YOU more than a friend. But.." Luke trails off biting his lip.


"You,me in a serious relationship... I don't know?"

"What's wrong with that? Are you saying I'm not Girlfriend material?" I ask.

"No its not that..Its just I'm really not the relationship kind of person. I thought you'd understand. When I asked for that kiss..I wasn't asking for love."

"But you can't just kiss me like that...then tell me your not ready for a relationship!" I yell tears streaming down my face.

"Nevaeh I'm sorry." Luke says pulling me in for an embrace. But I pushed him away with the strength I had left.

"Luke you don't  understand. I love you. I've loved you from the start. It was a mistake." I say running by the door.

"I'm sorry Nevaeh!" Luke says.

"No you're not sorry and I was a fool for thinking you would ever love me!" I scream running out the door to the next street heading for the alley.

That's when all my senses come alive,wiping my panicked eyes, the last thing I see is a pair of headlights, driving toward me full speed. There's a horn that shatters my eardrums and the pain after that  is too hard to explain!

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