Liers and Confessions

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The text message was to Destery William. My friend back in first grade.

Destery "Hey Boo!"

Luke "Hey Babe!"

Destery "Can you come over? I'm lonely and need your cuddles! I miss you're warmth!"

Luke "No Babe I'm sorry. I got to go to a movie with my friends tonight in a half an hour."

Destery "Aww...Boo Ima miss you. Can you come over after Cuz I have a surprise for you!"

Luke "Depends what's the surprise?"

Destery "It involves you me and a bedroom. I bought new undies just for you ;)"

Luke "Oh...Me likely I'll be over by 10 okie :3"

Destery "Okie Babe I'll be waiting Love you!"

"Luke would you ever cheat on me?"

I felt the tears pricker up in the back of my eyes. "Be honest no lying!"

He hesitated to look at me. "No Nevaeh I would never cheat on you. You're to special to be cheated on." He grabbed my hand. He reached for his phone but I wouldn't give it to him.

"You lying son of a bitch!" I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. "I saw the text messages to Destery! You were going to cheat on her with me! Get out of my fucking house!"

I threw his phone at him. He couldn't speak.

"Nevaeh its not what.." He began but I cut him off. "Yea it is what it looks like. Face it Luke your a No good, Lying ass Man Whore! NOW GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK!"

He looked at me and tears pricked up in his eyes. He walked toreds the front door I followed behind him. He grabbed and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sorry Nevaeh." Luke said as he exited my house.

"You're a lying bitch. Go fuck her and never I mean NEVER come back or you will never see tomorrow!"

I slammed the door in his face and ran straight up to my room and slammed the door.

Why would he do this to me. Why did Luke say he loved me and kissed me how he did? Why would he wanna do that to me and cheat on me with Destery?

My thoughts were intrupted by a knock at my bedroom door.

"Go away Michael. I'm not in the mood."

"Nevaeh I'm not gonna go away. I wanna talk to you. Please let me come in?" He muffled through the door.

"Fine. Come in then."

Michael walked in and kneeled in front of me and put his crossed arms on the bed. His head was lying in his arms.

I hid my face underneath the pillow. I don't want him to see me this hurt.

"Nevaeh come out from underneath the pillow. I wanna talk face to face not.. Face to pillow." He said which made me giggle.

I pulled the pillow off my face and looked at him.

"Please don't cry," He sat on the floor instead of kneeling. "I can't stand to see you cry. A girl as pretty as you doesn't need to cry."

I sat up. "You don't mean that. I'm not pretty I'm an ugly fuck."

"I do to mean it Nevaeh." Michael said.

"Why would Luke do this to me? He said he loved me. He said he wanted to last forever!" I felt the tears starting to come back.

"Because. Luke is a player. He probaly was going to try to do the same thing to you like he did Dana. I can't loose you." Michael said. His face all serious.

"If I died no one would care but Andy and his band. Im a big fool for thinking Luke would love me. No one has ever loved me like he pretended to." The tears started rolling down my face.

Michael put his hands up to my face and whipped away my tears with his thumbs.

"I would care Nevaeh. I can't stand to live with out you. You are my world you're my..My heartbreak girl."


"I wrote a song for you after I found out how many people you lost." He began. " I dedicate this song to you. The one who never sees the truth. That I could take away your hurt heartbreak girl. Hold you tight straight through the day light. I'm right here when you gonna realize that I'm your cure Heartbreak girl."

"Michael... Why? Why would you write a song for me if you don't even care about me?"

"Nevaeh I love you. I couldn't live without you. When you left to go live in another state 10 years ago with Andy. I realized I like you. I started writing songs for you. I've written at least 9 different songs for you. Because without you I'm a lost boy."

"No Michael you don't care! Stop putting things in my head that you want me to believe! You're gonna dump me and leave me heart broken like the rest of them! Every person I trust goes and flips our whole friendship over."

"Nevaeh...If I didn't care I would still be at my house. If I didn't care explain why for 3 years why I came to your parents house when they were still alive and slept in your bedroom because I missed you so much. Why did I stick up to all those bullies who picked on you because you were so short and pushed you around. If I don't care why would I do this."

Before I knew it Michaels lips crashed mine. He tasted like fruit punch. His kiss felt more incredible then when I kissed Luke. Michaels kiss felt real. It felt like forever before we took a breath.

"Michael.." I began but I lost all my words.

"Nevaeh.. I love you. I always have."

Michael said he was serious again.

I just realized I never really did love Luke. I just wanted to see what it felt Luke to be loved and I thought that person was Luke. But no its Michael.It always has been. The whole time I was with Luke I thought of Michael. I don't love Luke I never have I love MICHAEL!

"I love you too Michael." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again.

"Does this mean..We are a couple now?" He asked as he caught his breath.

"Yes Michael. Yes it does!" I kissed him once again.

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