Week 4--Part 2

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Location: A Castle in Germany

One-on-One: Dean Winchester

"I've had my eye on Dean for a while now. Ever since Night One when I gave him the First Impression Rose, we've been slowly building our connection and—god, do I have to say stuff like this? I sound so cheesy. Sorry, anyway. I really am excited to finally have a one-on-one with Dean. We're sort of cut from the same cloth, and I think he'll really enjoy what I have planned for the day."

As Buffy's talking, Dean slowly approaches from behind and puts a finger to his lips. He ducks down, and just as he get close enough to grab her from behind, Buffy reaches back and does a swift flip over his shoulders and grabs him from behind instead.

"Thought you could catch me unawares?" Buffy whispers into his ear.

"Not a chance," Dean says as he breaks her hold and spins around so they're now facing each other. "I just wanted to see you bust out some of those sexy slayer moves."

Buffy smirks and pulls him into a kiss.

"So, German castle? Is this what I think it is...?"

"If you mean to ask if I've brought you to a centuries-old castle to go ghost-hunting, you would be correct. That is if you aren't scared."

"I ain't afraid of no ghosts."

Buffy raises her eyebrows.

"Sorry, couldn't pass up the opportunity." He coughs. "Anyway. After you."

The two make their way toward the castle. Just outside the entrance Buffy stops them.

"I hope you came prepared. There isn't any equipment waiting for us."

"Baby, I'm always prepared." Dean opens his jacked to reveal a revolver, a book of incantations, and a salt shaker. "You?"

"I just plan to use my fists."

"Your fists? You think that'll do anything against a ghost? What good are they?"

"They usually do the trick in any situation, one way or another."

Dean gives his trademark nod-with-pursed-lips.

The two enter the castle. It is dark, and the images captured by the camera are colorless. They continue through the twisting corridors for several minutes, muscled coiled at the ready.


"What was th—"

The camera cuts to static.


The next frame is from outside the castle, opposite from where Buffy and Dean originally entered. The slayer and hunter are a bit mussed up, with dirt on their cheeks and clothes torn, but their eyes are alive with excitement and they each have an arm around the other.

"So, we heard that big crash, and Dean, here, he almost jumped out of his skin," Buffy says animatedly.

"I did not jump. I merely poised myself for action."

"For action taking place three feet off the ground?"

"Hey, specters float!"

"Well anyway, we here that big ominous crash, and so, naturally, we run in its direction. And we don't see anything at first, but then we hear the camera guy we left behind shouting so we run back and see his camera lying on the ground, but he's nowhere to be found. Luckily, we noticed—okay, Dean noticed—a few scuff marks heading down the nearest hallway, so we turned in that direction. And that's when we saw it."

"It being not actually a ghost," Dean cut in, "but, in fact, a giant freaking spider. Now, as some might know, I'm not the biggest fan of spiders, so when I see that thing, I just start firing away at it until Buffy jumps in with all her badass fighting skills, which is probably for the best considering the cameraman was half covered in webbing nearby and it's a miracle I didn't hit him. How's he doing, by the way?"

From off-screen: "He's had better days."

Buffy continues the story. "Once we had our sights on the big nasty spider we made short work of it between the two of. We found its eggs and Dean recognized that they were actually imbued with some sort of demonic presence and exorcised them, so the castle should be already to go for friendly tourists now."

"You really should of seen her fighting that spider, it was incredible. She was like punch-punch-punch pow-pow-pow jab-jab. It was amazing! I'm never going hunting without her again, sorry, Sam."

"You weren't too shabby yourself," Buffy says, smiling as she somehow now holds a rose in her hands. "Dean, I have a lot of fun with you, and best of all, I can see as a true partner. Will you accept this rose?"

"You'd best believe I will."

She pins it to his torn jacket and they kiss. 

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