Week 5--Part 3

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Location: Lebanon, KS

Hometown Date: Dean

Dean and Buffy stroll down an empty street in the middle of a classic midwestern small town, arms intertwined.

"I have to say, I didn't peg you for a small-town boy," Buffy says.

"I'm more of an every-town kind of guy. Growing up, I was always on the road with my dad, and then later with my brother. Still, I was born in the great state of Kansas and in recent years this is sort of where we've set up our base of operations."

"Well, it's the closest to an actual hometown I've been to so far."

Dean leads her through the town and to the entrance to his bunker. Before he opens the door he turns to her. "Alright, now I don't just go bringing back girls to this place willy-nilly. This means that I really trust you, and I really...c-care about you." Buffy beams as he pushes the door open and leads her inside.

"Dean!" A tall man with long brown hair immediately envelopes Dean in a big bear hug. "We've missed you; it feels like it's been ages? Is this the girl? Is this the slayer?"

"Sure am," Buffy says, nonchalantly twirling a wooden stake in her hand.

Sam laughs. "I have to tell you, when Dean told me he was going on The Bachelorette of all things, I thought he was losing it. 'A dating show?' I said. 'Are you really going to find someone better on a dating show than in real life?' And then I found out the Bachelorette was you! If Dean ever did have to abandon us during the middle of an apocalypse on a quest to find love, this was definitely the time."

"The middle of—there's an apocalypse going on right now?" Buffy exclaims. "How did I miss that?"

Dean shrugs. "Eh, it's a pretty regular occurrence, can be easy to miss."

"Fair enough."

A stout man wearing a plaid shirt and a baseball cap emerges from another room. "Dean! It's about time you got your ass back around here...What's all this? What have you done?"

Dean gestures to Buffy. "Bobby, you know I've been seeing somebody. This is Buffy."

"I'm well aware of who she is, but what about all these numbskulls with the cameras? Have you lost your mind?"

Dean's eyes widen. "Oh. I, um, didn't really think about it. You kind of forget they're there after a while."

Bobby shakes his head. Suddenly, there a bright light appears in the middle of the room. As it fades, a man in a long tan coat takes form.

"Dean, where the hell have you been?"

Dean shifts uncomfortably. "Cas, uh, I thought I told you..."

"You didn't tell me anything. That requires actual talking. You just left me a trite little note about going off to find your 'true love,' when all this time I thought..."

"Thought what, Cas?" Dean asks, staring at him intently.

"It doesn't matter now. Have fun with your date." Just as quickly as he appeared, he is gone again.

Awkward silence follows.

Dean turns to Buffy. "Well, I think you just met nearly everyone important in my life in the past five minutes. Shall I introduce you to the devil?"

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