Week 5--Part 2

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Location: A spacecraft in the middle of the desert

Hometown Date: Wash

Buffy and Wash stand in the empty hull of a spacecraft.

Buffy looks around quizzically and says, "So... is this supposed to be from outer space or something? Are you one of those guys who's like obsessed with UFOs and Area 51 and all that crap?"

Wash looks mildly off-put for a moment but quickly regains his usual cheeriness. "What if I told you I don't believe in aliens...I am one."

Buffy busts up laughing. "Ah, that's a good one. 'Aliens,' right. I suppose it makes sense. Vampires, werewolves, demons... why not throw aliens into the mix? But you, Wash, look like no alien to me."

"Well, I suppose I am human by your definition, but I'm not from Earth. I'm originally from another planet, in a galaxy, far, far away... The place I come from was heavily polluted, so much that you couldn't even see the stars at night. That's why I became a pilot. To escape my planet and see the stars for the first time in my life. Little did I plan on crash-landing onto another planet with pollution problems almost just as bad, but so things go."

Buffy looks at him skeptically. "I still half-think you're BS-ing me, but I am sorry for your ship. Does it not fly anymore?"

"She can't do what she once did, and this planet is sorely lacking in the technology and equipment I would need to fully fix her up. Anyway, all this to say: we can't go back to where I'm from, because I can't even go back there. But that's probably for the best. Aside from the choking pollution, the food is terrible. And my parents are even worse." Wash pats the side of the ship. "This old girl can still get off the ground, though. What do you say to taking her for a spin?"

"Can I drive?"

Wash screws up his face. "Well, there's a lot to it, you know? It's not like driving one of your automobiles, and I'm very protective of her—"

Buffy laughs. "Oh, relax. I'm only kidding. But why should I feel safe letting you drive? I still don't even know your full name, which now that I think about it is really rather odd and I'm not sure I'm comfortable dating guys whose last names I don't know." She pauses. "Anymore."

"You really want to know my full name? It might be a turn-off."

"My name is Buffy. Lay it on me."

He chuckles. "Alright... Hoban Washburne."

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