Week 5--Part 5

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Rose Ceremony

Chuck, Dean, Merlin, and Wash stand in a line, each wearing a suit. For the first time, no one already has a rose going into the ceremony, and all the men are on edge.

Chris Harrison enters. "Greetings, gentlemen. This was a great, if unconventional, week of hometowns. Buffy enjoyed her time with each of you, but sadly one man will be leaving us this evening."

Buffy enters. "Hi guys. I had this whole big speech planned out in my head, but it doesn't really seem all that important anymore. Let's just get this over with."

Chris Harrison smirks to himself and exits.

Buffy grabs the first rose. "Wash."

Beaming, Wash approaches her with a skip in his step.

"Hoban Washburne, will you accept this rose?"

"Of course, Buffy Summers."

She takes up the second rose. After a dramatic pause, she says, "Merlin."

Looking somewhat surprised, Merlin approaches.

"Merlin, will you accept this rose?"


Chris Harrison reenters. "Gentlemen, we've reached the final rose of the night. Buffy, whenever you're ready."

Buffy reaches for the final rose, a tremor in her hand. She looks between Chuck and Dean, and stands still for an unnecessarily long stretch of time.


Dean staggers backward as Chuck moves forward.

"Chuck, will you accept this rose?"

"Yes. No weird pun or reference this time."

Chris Harrison steps forward. "Dean, I'm sorry, you have not received a rose. Please take a moment to say your goodbyes."

After clapping the other men on the back, Dean approaches Buffy.

"Hey," Buffy says sadly. "Can I walk you out."

"Sure," Dean ekes out, clearing his throat. He appears to be holding off a few tears. The two make their way toward the waiting limousine. "I thought we really—we really had something, you know? I mean, we're so compatible. Our worlds fit perfectly together. We'd make the ultimate demon-fighting, ass-kicking power couple."

Buffy starts to tear up herself. "I know, it would be perfect. And honestly, I thought it would be you. I wanted it to be you. But when I met your family and friends, and saw the way you and Cas look at each other...I can't come between that. And I think deep down you know there's someone you'd rather be with."

Dean takes a deep breath. "Wow, that's, um... a lot to think about. And something that I guess I should stop ignoring if it's real enough to be so obvious." Dean and Buffy stare intently into each other's eyes. "Thank you."

They hug, and then Dean gets into the limo. It pulls away, leaving Buffy alone in the driveway.

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