Week 5--Part 4

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Location: Burbank, CA

Hometown Date: Chuck

Buffy and Sarah walk hand-in-hand through small courtyard, apartments surrounding it on all sides.

Chuck pauses. "Are you ready?"

"I guess so. After the past week it feels kind of weird to be going to someone's actual home—not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous."

Chuck smiles. "There's no need to be. You're amazing and make me happy, they'll see that. And I'm sure you'll love them, too. They're, well...awesome."

At that moment an apartment door swings open, revealing an exceedingly handsome blond man with a charming smile. "Chuck! Buddy! It's so awesome to see you!" He envelopes him in a hug, then, noticing Buffy, draws her in, too.

From behind him in the doorway is a pretty brunette. She waves to Buffy. "Devon, let the poor girl breathe." Devon releases them. "Don't mind my husband, he gets a little over-eager sometimes. Hi, I'm Ellie. It's so wonderful to meet you."

"And I'm Morgan!" A small bearded man pops up behind Ellie. "Charles Bartowski's official best friend, confidante, sparring partner, and basically everything else important in his life. I'm sure you've heard all about me."

Buffy slightly smirks. "Oh yes, I've heard plenty."

Ellie gestures Buffy and Chuck inside. "Well, don't just stand out there, come on in! I already have dinner on the table."

"Ellie, you are the best sister a guy could ask for," Chuck grins as he makes his way toward the table.

They all dig into an impressive splay of smoked ham, mashed potatoes, and roasted vegetables.

Chuck looks down at his watch and his eyes suddenly widen. "Um, excuse me for one moment." He rushes from the room.

"Soooo," Ellie begins, "how have things been going? I hope my goofball of a brother hasn't been too much to handle."

"Oh, he's been wonderful. He makes a lot of references and jokes to things I don't really understand a lot, but it's kind of charming."

"I'm glad you find it charming. Most women just think it's nerdy," she whispers conspiratorially with a smile.

Chuck reenters the room. "Hey, um, so I wasn't really planning on this, but would you mind swinging by my work with me? I'm sure the guys would love to meet you, and there's just something that I forgot to take care of before I left."

"Chuck, I will not let you take this lovely young woman to the Buy More!" Ellie exclaims.

"What's wrong with the Buy More, babe?" Devon asks. "I think it's awesome."

Chuck's eyes dart to Morgan. "Oh, yeah, you two should definitely go. Buffy, you'll love it, it's a great place. A real home-away-from-home for me—and sometimes my actual home. I may have slept there once or twice or ten times over the last few years. In fact, just talking about it is making me miss it. I'll come with!"

Morgan ushers Buffy from the table and soon the three of them are out the door, leaving Ellie and Devon alone at the table.

"Well, that was great," Ellies says with a shake of her head.

Devon nods. "Awesome."

Location: Buy More, Burbank, CA

"So, here it is. The infamous Buy More." Chuck gestures around the electronic store as they enter the building.

"This looks like a green Best Buy," Buffy remarks, unimpressed.

Chuck and Morgan scoff. "No, no, no, you are mistaken, Madam," Morgan says. "Does Best Buy offer the latest video games, movies, and albums the day they're released? Does Best Buy offer incredible prices on all your favorite electronics? Does Best Buy offer the premium technical support services of the Nerd Herd?"

"Um, yes, yes, and they have the Geek Squad."

Chuck and Morgan look aghast. "We don't speak of such things here," Chuck whispers. "It's kind of taboo."

Almost out of nowhere, a short man with brown skin and shoulder-length black hair and a tall, balding man pop up in front of Buffy.

"Why, helloooo there, sweet thang," the short man says. "What's a gorgeous blond goddess such as yourself doing in a lowly electronics store like the Buy More? Technical problems? I promise that your electronics will be in caring, gentle hands." He extends his hand forward. "My name's Lester, and this is my associate, Jeffrey."

"Hi, nice to meet you, pretty lady."

Morgan shoos them away. "Come on, guys, get out of here. This one's off limits. She's Chuck's new girl."

"Really?!" Lester exclaims. "Bartowski landed another hottie? What's your secret? You're like a seven, meanwhile I'm a natural ten, and when we spruce up Jeff he can easily pass for an eight. How do you do it? Miss? Can you enlighten us as to why you find him attractive?"

"Well, for one, he doesn't call me 'sweet thang.'" Buffy rolls her eyes.

"Do you prefer babe? Honey bun? Hottie McHotterson?"

"Supreme Overlord?" Jeff interjects.

"You know, that last one isn't half-bad," Buffy muses.

"Go," Chuck and Morgan say in unison, ushering Jeff and Lester away.

Chuck glances at something intently across the store.

"Say, Morgan, what do you say you show Buffy our impressive collection of new HD TVs?"

"HD?" Morgan shakes his head. "Chuck, you know it's all about 4K now."

"Okay, well show her those."

"Yes, right, the 4Ks. Right this way, Madam."

Buffy looks quizzically at Chuck. "I'll catch up in just a minute!" He turns in the opposite direction. Across the store, Chuck follows a muscular man in a green shirt into the entertainment room. The cameras follow and draw nearer to the room. A hand opens the door and the camera enter.

The room is empty. 

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