Week 6--Part 2

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Location: Probably the same beach as the last date, The Bahamas

One-on-One: Merlin

"Well, Merlin," Buffy says as they walk together along the beach. "Any guesses for what we'll be doing today?"

"I'm no expert on traditional Bachelorette dates, but if I had to guess I would say it probably has something to do with the beach we're currently on," Merlin says wryly. "If we're having a beach day, however, I feel I must warn you that I am not well-acquainted with traditional beach-fun. I wasn't really raised in that era and it just sort of passed me by."

"If just the beach is foreign to you, just wait until you see what I have in store."

They come around a bend and find a jet ski waiting.

Merlin goes wide-eyed and Buffy grins up at him. "Now, I would offer to let you drive, but I already had one frightening experience letting a man be in charge once this week and I'm especially not about to let someone drive me with such a terrified look on their face. So, hop on behind me and grab my waist; I promise I won't go too fast. At first."

Location: Probably the same cabana; later that evening

"That was amazing!" Merlin enthuses. "It's been hours but I can still feel by adrenaline pumping. I never realized how freeing the open ocean could be before! Most of my previous experiences with large bodies of water involved magic swords and women in lakes. This was so much cooler!! And you, you were an amazing driver!"

Buffy laughs. "Well, I haven't had much time for vacation in the past, but I can't call myself a true Californian without knowing my way around the ocean in at least some way. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"It. Was. Magical. And that is something I'm on expert on."

The two fall silent for a few moments, letting the endorphins fade as they sip glasses of wine.

Merlin clears his throat and hesitantly speaks. "We've talked a little about my past, but what about you? What do you want me to know? That everyone doesn't already know already. I mean, I know you're the slayer, and that you had a pretty rough high school experience because of it. I know that you've had your heart broken on at least two occasions. I want to know how to not let that happen again."

Buffy laughs awkwardly. "Wow, Merlin, just laying it on at once out of nowhere, huh?" She pauses. "Well, yeah, as you said, things have been hard. And it's not just about being the slayer, though that's definitely a big part of it. But at least back in high school, and for a while after, I had a group, friends that I could really rely on. We called ourselves the Scooby gang, and I loved it, silly as it sounds. But things haven't been the same since Sunnydale fell into the Hellmouth. We've had too many loved ones lost, too many feelings hurt, and now it seems like we're just sort of spread out all over the place and it's just not the same. I guess that's part of why I came on this show, to find someone to be my new constant—though God knows I feel guilty every moment I'm here and not defending the world from some great evil or stopping the next apocalypse. If there weren't new slayers out there I'd never be able to do this. I know I should trust them, but it's just hard to let it out of my hands." She takes a shuddering breath. "Sorry about all that, I didn't really expect to start some big monologue just then."

Merlin takes her hand. "I know what it can be like to lose and drift from the people closest to you when you still have so much weight on your shoulders. But you have to know that because of you, because of the lives you've touched and the people you've guided, the world is so much safer. And that's pretty amazing."

They kiss.

Once they break apart, Buffy retrieves the note from Chris Harrison and passes it to Merlin.

Merlin opens the letter and quickly reads: "Dear Buffy and Merlin, I hope you had a fantastic day out on the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Should you choose to forego you individual rooms, please use this key to stay as a couple in the fantasy suite—fantasy suite?!" Merlin exclaims. "Buffy, did you plan this just for me? I'm so touched! Where will we be going? The tallest tower in the largest castle on the island? A dragon's lair? Heck, even a troll's dungeon sounds great!"

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