Week 5--Part 1

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Week 5

Location: An abandoned theme park in Lancashire, England

Hometown Date: Merlin

Merlin stands in the middle of an abandoned theme park. There are roller coasters, empty restaurants, and a large castle. The park seems to be medieval-themed.

"The whole 'hometown' date doesn't really work for me. You see, I've been alive for a long time. Most of the people I would consider family and friends have been dead for centuries—that's actually part of the reason I came on the show. It was getting a little lonely living a solitary life waiting for that clot-pole Arthur to someday return. But that also means I don't really have anyone for Buffy to meet. And as for my home, well, most people don't think Camelot ever even existed nowadays, so obviously anywhere I could have brought her back to is long-gone. That's why I was so excited when I found out about The Magic Kingdome of Camelot Theme Park! It seemed like the ideal place to realty give Buffy a sense of where I come from." Merlin looks around at the empty theme park. "If only I had known it shut down in 2012."

Buffy approaches in the distance. They run to each other and embrace. Buffy looks around at the deserted theme park.

"So, Merlin...this doesn't look like a hometown."

"Yes, about that," Merlin smiles sheepishly, "my place of birth isn't exactly accessible, but I thought we could have some fun here."

"At a shutdown theme park?"

"It may be shutdown now, but add a little magic and..." Merlin utters a string of incomprehensible syllables and performs a series of hand gestures. The theme park suddenly bursts into life: roller coasters zooming along their tracks, carnival games lit up, music playing. Merlin offers Buffy his arm. "Shall we?"

The day passes in an idyllic montage of the two riding roller coasters, playing games, and eating carnival food that Merlin conjures.

Side Interview: Buffy

"I'm honestly really impressed with Merlin!" she gushes. "Before now he's been a little quirky and always sweet, but he really loosened up today and had fun. A whole theme park for ourselves? That's any kid's dream. I do wish I had gotten to know a little more about where Merlin comes from, what's made him who he is today, but... Today was just really amazing."

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